IonSim v0.5.0
Closed issues:
- brief to intermediate code review (#15)
- prepare submission to journal (#20)
- Allow the Hamiltonian to support time-independent inputs (#31)
- Allow the creation of heterogeneous chains of Ions (#32)
- Compare the runtime of IonSim vs QuantumOptics (#33)
- implement discrete time input for "noise" (i.e. amplitude of laser, not perfect statistics) (#46)
- RWA hamiltonian (#48)
- create "pauli" convenience functions (#49)
- Add an IonSim example using Barium (#51)
- fix adaptive timestepping code (#71)
- add arbitrary vector of timevalues (#72)
- Use IonSim to get the dynamics of spontaneous emission (#77)
- may 17 2022 (#80)
- add "micromotion" (#82)
- Error: Some Julia code in the VS Code extension crashed (#89)
- QuantumOpticsBase.IncompatibleBases() error upon executing timeevolution.master_dynamic() (#90)
- typo in examples (#92)
- Add example of using IonSim bases with QuantumOptics functions (#94)
- Rename IonSim structs (#96)
- [IJulia issue] Fix IJulia rendering problem (#99)
Merged pull requests:
- add comments to hamiltonian test (#93) (@marwahaha)
- Rename IonSim structs (#97) (@marwahaha)
- Apply renaming of structs to new-style branch (#103) (@neil-glikin)
- New style (#106) (@neil-glikin)