We are Mumbai's largest independent tech community who have been organizing the city's longest-running tech meetup (over nine years).
Our goal is to widen and deepen the access to knowledge & technology, coupled with installing a sense of internet citizenship. Hopefully, we can help folks around the world and have fun while doing it. Earn a lot of...good Karma.😀
We do this through 3 initiatives:
Mumbai Technology Meetup: We host a minimum of one meetup a month dedicated to technologies [mostly #OSS] where our target audience is intermediate developers. #mumtechup
freeCodeCamp: We are one of the earliest fCC boot camps in India, providing a supportive community for folks beginning to code.
ProtoSchool: We are proud to support a "decentralized" web and host meetups where folks can learn technologies for #Web3.
We are looking for co-organizers and encourage everyone to apply, especially if you identify yourself as an underrepresented minority[URM] in the Mumbai tech scene.
In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as members, contributors, and maintainers pledge to make participation in our projects and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone.
By participating in our projects and community activities(online and at live events), you agree to abide by its Code of Conduct
Hackerspace Mumbai is licensed under the Apache-2.0 and MIT licenses. See LICENSE.md for further detail.