HackerOoT - v1.0.0
This is the current state of HackerOoT before the develop/2.0
branch, it's using the older build system. This version is not recommended unless you need an older codebase for some reasons.
NOTE: while most of the features are working some are unfinished on this version and/or aren't working properly, more updates may come in the future to improve that but this isn't a priority.
- fix for annoying/way too much powerful glitches (mostly softlocks and crashes)
- increase dialog print speed
- increase block push speed
- toggle for the low health sound
- fast bunnyhood behavior from MM
- toggle for quick text
- split farore's wind points between ages
- toggle for the anti-aliasing filter that applies on the pause menu background (disabling this is recommended)
- toggle for Gold Skulltula Token freezing the player
- toggle to show the Gold Skulltula Token count in the textbox
- Widescreen mode
- N64 color mode
- interface rupee color based on wallet tier (MM behavior)
- skip N64 logo
- use MM N64 logo logic
- automatic GI object allocation
- toggles for every debug feature from the debug version of OoT
- deterministic build
- boot to scene/file select/map select
- map select on file 1
- boot entrance/age/cutscene/time/player name