git clone <repository>
cd <repository>
npm install
node ./bin/www
Duplicate the file config.js and rename it config.local.js. And provide the appropriate DB Details in the mssql and database sections. Or you can setup an Environmental Variable connection string named SQLCONNSTR_connectionParams
Browse to localhost:4000/dirtydata
Optional Querystring parameters for:
page - specify what page you wish to see default: 0
pageSize - specify number of records per page: default 500
startYear/endYear - specify minimum year to display (cleaned records only) must specify both
You can view a specific record details by hitting: localhost:4000/dirtydata/TRACKINGNUMBER
You can update a specific record by issueing a PUT Request to the above URL and providing the one or more of the following fields
clean_latitude [string]
clean_longitude [string]
clean_continent [string]
clean_country [string]
clean_department_province_state [string]
clean_county [string]
clean_date_collected ['YYYY-MM-DD']
clean_date_received ['YYYY-MM-DD']
You can download a CSV Dump of the entire dataset by visiting localhost:4000/dirtydata/data.csv