Custom Electrical Capacitance Tomography System with Hardware. 8 electrodes system.
Two main parts:
- Embedded (C/C++): Multi-module PCB hardware with STM32H743ZI.
- Emulator (Python): Computer UI for hardware control by USB-C.
Currently (Mar 6, 2019), STM32H7 MCU Package on STMCubeMX does not support DSP library. Manual import of DSP source files is essential.
- Download CMSIS Pack from ARM (
- Create "/DSP_Lib" & "/Lib" folders into "(Project root)/Drivers/CMSIS/".
- Duplicate all files in ".../CMSIS/DSP/Source/" into "(Project root)/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP_Lib/".
- Duplicate all files in ".../CMSIS/DSP/Include/" into "(Project root)/Drivers/CMSIS/Include/".
- Duplicate ".../CMSIS/Lib/ARM" & ".../CMSIS/Lib/GCC" folders into "(Project root)/Drivers/CMSIS/Lib/".
- From top menu in Eclipse IDE, go to "Project - Properties - C/C++ General - Paths and Symbols - Symbols" tab. Add "__FPU_PRESENT" and "ARM_MATH_CM7" to Symbol. Allocate "__FPU_PRESENT = 1". No allocation is needed to ARM_MATH_CM7.
- From top menu in Eclipse IDE, go to "Project - Properties - C/C++ General - Paths and Symbols - Library Paths" tab. Add ".../Drivers/CMSIS/Lib/".
Pyqt5 => pip install pyqt5
Pyqtgraph => pip install pyqtgraph
Numpy => pip install numpy
pyusb => pip install pyusb
FEniCS => conda install -c conda-forge fenics
(Alternatively) sudo apt-get install software-properties-common sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fenics-packages/fenics sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends fenics
PyOpenGL => pip install pyopengl
Matplotlib => conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib
Cython => pip install Cython
Scipy => pip install scipy
- Refer the offical websites for installation
Ubuntu's udev rule must be modified for usb connection by pyusb
- Create rule file => sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/99-ectusb.rules
- Fill the contents: => SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0483", ATTR{idProduct}=="5740", MODE="666"
- Save and restart udev => sudo udevadm trigger