This is the server side part of digiturno
In orden to run this application you must have already installed in you system:
- nw SDK version
- mongodb (it should be runing as a service)
- Setup static ip address
Clone repository
git clone
Inside the repository that just donwload, Install dependencies
cd /digiturno
npm i
npm i --only-dev
- If you are on linux add NW_SDK environment variable to bash session:
nano ~/.bashrc
#inside .bashrc add:
export NW_SDK='~/path/to/nw_sdk/nw' #note that NW_SDK must point to nw application
- If you are on windows then:
Setup environment variable called NW_SKD follow this steps
#Then save the file and reaload the terminal then type:
echo $NW_SDK | bash #Test the variable it should fire up node-webkit
- Lift server
# as long the mongod server is running you should be able to lift the server
npm run lift
- run nw
# as long the server is running you should be able to start the project
npm run start
- Build assets
npm run webpack:build
- Build assets and watch for changes
npm run webpack:watch
- Note: Every time you build the assets you should restart nw to see the changes