For practicing and preparing for coding interviews
- Merge Sort Code, Explanation
- Quick Sort Code, Explanation
- Heap Sort Code, Explanation
- Bubble Sort Code, Explanation
- Selection Sort Code, Explanation
- Insert Sort Code, Explanation
- Count Sort Code, Explanation
- Radix Sort Code, Explanation
- Heap Data Structure
- Max Priority Queue Code, Explanation
- Min Priority Queue Code, Explanation
- Maximum Sub-array Problem Code, Explanation
- Counting Inversions Problem Code, Explanation
- Young Tableau problem Code, Explanation
- Problem-1, Two Sum Code, Explanation
- Problem-2, Sum of two numbers as link list Code, Explanation
- Problem-3, Find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters BruteForce Optimized MoreOptimized, Explanation
- Problem-4, Median of Two Sorted Arrays BruteForce Optimized, Explanation
- Problem-5, Longest Palindrome Substring BruteForce Optimized, Explanation
- Problem-6, Zigzag Pattern for string Code, Explanation
- Problem-7, Reverse Signed Integer Code, Explanation
- Problem-8, String to Integer Code, Explanation
- Problem-9, Check Palindrome Code, Explanation