App for tracking money made per month, per year and per client
what kind of data I need:
- number of projects per client
- earnings per client
- all projects of a certain client
- total earnings per month, quarter, half a year, year
- local VS remote
- currently I'm with local
- need to implement both
- local filtering will be used now
- remote filtering will be for future use
local vs server-side state
- right now I'm getting all projects in one go and then work with them locally only saving changes to database
- but is it feasible to download all those hunreds/thousands of items at once? That's a lot of data, part of which may not be even needed
- that's why I believe I'll move to server-side state in future
- why do I use/like local state now? Only user can change his/her data, so there is really no need to update local state from server-side state