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the one where devbot learns some people are cool
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Gregory Mullen (grayhatter) committed Jun 23, 2017
1 parent 7997299 commit c2d0c74
Showing 1 changed file with 123 additions and 44 deletions.
167 changes: 123 additions & 44 deletions src/devbot.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ import qualified GitHub.Endpoints.Issues.Milestones as G

ournick = "devbot"
server = ""
port = 7070
server = ""
port = 6697
chans = [ "#devbot-dev"
, "#utox"
, "#epic_cms"
Expand All @@ -50,29 +50,31 @@ regex_GH_num = "(#[0-9]{1,5})" :: String
regex_GH_repo = "([a-zA-Z0-9.-]+)" ++ regex_GH_num
regex_GH_owner = "([a-zA-Z0-9.-]+)/" ++ regex_GH_repo
regex_gl = "((^|\\s)![0-9]{1,5})" :: String
regex_gli = "((^|\\s)i[0-9]{1,5})" :: String

data Bot = Bot
{ socket :: Connection
, channels :: [Channel]
, people :: [User]
, start_time :: UTCTime

data User = User
{ nick :: String
, user :: String
, host :: String
, monolog :: Int
, karma :: Int
} deriving (Eq, Show)

data Channel = Channel
{ chname :: String
, users :: [User]
, users :: [String]
, default_rown :: String
, default_repo :: String
} deriving (Eq, Show)

type Net = StateT Bot IO

data User = User
{ nick :: String
, user :: String
, host :: String
} deriving (Eq, Show)

-- IRC connection and logic
Expand All @@ -93,7 +95,7 @@ conn = do
, connectionUseSocks = Nothing
c <- getCurrentTime
return (Bot irc_conn [] c)
return (Bot irc_conn [] [] c)
notify a = bracket_ (printf "connecting to %s..." server >> hFlush stdout) (putStrLn "connected!") a

Expand All @@ -108,19 +110,19 @@ listen :: Net ()
listen = forever $ do
h <- gets socket
string <- readLine h
-- string <- raw
-- TODO sanitize utf-8 for the broken version of haskell on debian
if "PING :" `isPrefixOf` string
then io $ connectionPut h (CHAR8.pack $ "PONG :" ++ string ++ "\r\n")
else do io $ putStrLn string
overhead (source string) (action string) (target string) (message string)
eval (source string) (action string) (target string) (message string)
forever a = do a; forever a

source = takeWhile (/= ' ') . drop 1
action = takeWhile (/= ' ') . drop 1 . dropWhile (/= ' ')
target = takeWhile (/= ' ') . drop 1 . dropWhile (/= ' ') . drop 1 . dropWhile (/= ' ')
message = drop 1 . dropWhile (/= ':') . drop 1
target = init . takeWhile (/= ':') . drop 1 . dropWhile (/= ' ') . drop 1 . dropWhile (/= ' ')
message = drop 1 . dropWhile (/= ':') . drop 1 . init

readLine :: Connection -> Net (String)
readLine con = do
Expand All @@ -133,16 +135,33 @@ write string text = do
h <- gets socket
io $ connectionPut h $ CHAR8.pack (string ++ " " ++ text ++ "\r\n")

-- Overhead / Bot Maintenance
overhead :: String -> String -> String -> String -> Net ()
overhead src _ _ _ = do
users <- gets people
let uniq = nub (users ++ [mkUser src])
modify (\b -> b { people = uniq })

-- Main processor
eval :: String -> String -> String -> String -> Net ()
eval _ "332" _ _ = io $ putStrLn "DEBUG__ GOT CHAN TOPIC"
eval _ "333" _ _ = io $ putStrLn "DEBUG__ GOT CHAN TOPIC SETBY"
eval _ "353" _ _ = io $ putStrLn "DEBUG__ GOT USER LIST"
eval _ "366" _ _ = io $ putStrLn "DEBUG__ EOF USER LIST"
eval _ "473" _ _ = io $ putStrLn "DEBUG__ UNABLE TO JOIN CHANNEL (not invited)"
eval source action target "is now your hidden host (set by services.)" = do

eval _ "353" trg msg = do
ch_list <- gets channels
let target_chan = dropWhile (/= '#') trg
let old_ch = head $ filter (\x -> target_chan == chname x) ch_list
let new_ch = foldl chanAddUser old_ch (words msg)
let chans = nubBy (\x y -> chname x == chname y) $ new_ch : ch_list
modify (\bot -> bot { channels = chans })
-- dumpChans chans
eval _ "396" _ _ = do -- Host Mask Set, it's safe to join channels now
mapM joinChan chans
eval _ "INVITE" _ chan = do
Expand All @@ -161,18 +180,45 @@ eval source action target msg
| "allah is doing" `isInfixOf` msg = kickBan target source
-- Actual work
-- check commands before checking regex
| "!" `isPrefixOf` msg = botCommand source action target msg
| "!" `isPrefixOf` msg = do
if msg =~ regex_gl
then do
mapM_ (gitLabMagic target) ((getAllTextMatches $ msg =~ regex_gl) :: [String])
return ()
else botCommand source action target msg
-- regex searches
| msg =~ ("[Dd]evbot[;:,]?" :: String) = evalMention source action target msg
| msg =~ mtch_good = do
ps <- gets people
let n = (takeWhile (/= '+') $ msg =~ mtch_good)
let user = findUser n ps
if isJust user
then do
let u = (userModKarma (fromJust user) 1 )
let pss = u : ps
modify (\bot -> bot { people = nub pss })
else return ()
| msg =~ mtch_bad = do
ps <- gets people
let n = (takeWhile (/= '-') $ msg =~ mtch_bad)
let user = findUser n ps
if isJust user
then do
let u = (userModKarma (fromJust user) (-1))
let pss = u : ps
modify (\bot -> bot { people = nub pss })
else return ()
| msg =~ regex_GH_num = issueFinder target msg
| msg =~ regex_gl = do
| msg =~ regex_gl = do
mapM_ (gitLabMagic target) ((getAllTextMatches $ msg =~ regex_gl) :: [String])
return ()
| msg =~ regex_gli = privMsg target $ "" ++ drop 1 (msg =~ regex_gli)
-- be funny!
| "that's wrong!" `isInfixOf` msg = privMsg target "OH NO! someone is wrong on the internet!"
| "shit's fucked" `isInfixOf` msg = privMsg target ""
| otherwise = return ()
mtch_good = ("([a-zA-Z0-9.-]+)\\+\\+" :: String)
mtch_bad = ("([a-zA-Z0-9.-]+)--" :: String)

gitLabMagic :: String -> String -> Net ()
gitLabMagic x y = privMsg x $ "" ++ drop 1 (dropWhile (/= '!') y)
Expand All @@ -186,24 +232,31 @@ evalMention _ _ t msg
| msg =~ ("(you're|your|is) awesome" :: String) = privMsg t "Awww... I love you too!"
| msg =~ ("what(')?s (next|left)\\?" :: String) = eval "" "" t "!m"
| msg =~ ("^[Dd]evbot[;:,]? " :: String) = privMsg t "You said my name!! :D"
| msg =~ ("oh, I mean" :: String) = privMsg t "A common typo, they keys are right next to each other, really..."
| otherwise = return ()

botCommand :: String -> String -> String -> String -> Net ()
botCommand _ _ target "!moose" = privMsg target ""
botCommand _ _ target "!commitsudoku" = privMsg target ""
botCommand _ _ target "!uptime" = uptime >>= privMsg target
botCommand _ _ target "!rip" = sayRip target
botCommand _ _ target "!m" = io (nextMilestone True "TokTok" "c-toxcore") >>= privMsg target
botCommand _ _ target "!m" = io (nextMilestone True (drop 1 target) ("c-toxcore")) >>= privMsg target
botCommand _ _ target "!echo" = privMsg target "Echo what exactly?"
botCommand source action target msg
-- all the cool commands we do stuff with
| "!k " `isPrefixOf` msg = do
peoples <- gets people
let users = filter (\x -> drop 3 msg == nick x) peoples
if null users
then privMsg target "666: Karma Not Found"
else privMsg target $ drop 3 msg ++ " has " ++ show (userKarma $ head users)
| "!echo " `isPrefixOf` msg = do
privMsg target $ drop 6 msg
| "!die" == msg = do
privMsg target "Sure, I'll just DIE then!"
write "QUIT" ":My death was ordered" >> io (exitWith ExitSuccess)
| "!milestone" `isPrefixOf` msg = do
text <- io $ nextMilestone False "TokTok" "c-toxcore"
text <- io $ nextMilestone False (drop 1 target) ("c-toxcore")
privMsg target $ text
| "!status " `isPrefixOf` msg = do
let s = chkStatus $ takeWhile (/= ' ') . drop 8 $ msg
Expand All @@ -213,6 +266,7 @@ botCommand source action target msg
| "!set " `isPrefixOf` msg = setState source target (drop 5 msg)
| "!ghost " `isPrefixOf` msg = privMsg ((takeWhile (/= ' ') . drop 7) msg) ((drop 1 . dropWhile (/= ' ') . drop 8) msg)
| "!join " `isPrefixOf` msg = joinChan ((takeWhile (/= ' ') . drop 6) msg)
| "!invite " `isPrefixOf` msg = chanInviteUser (takeWhile (/= ' ') msg ) (takeWhile (/= ' ') . dropWhile (/= ' ') $ msg)
| "!build " `isPrefixOf` msg = do
res <- io $ ciTriggerGitlab $ (takeWhile (/= ' ') . drop 7) msg
if res
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -241,7 +295,7 @@ sayRip t = do
privMsg t "Poor one out for the devs Tox has eaten"
privMsg t "irungentoo 2013-2016"
privMsg t "iphy 2015-2017"
privMsg t "mannol 2014-2016"
privMsg t "mannol 2013-2016"
privMsg t "jfreegman 2014-2015"
privMsg t "May Tox rest their soul..."

Expand All @@ -254,6 +308,26 @@ chkStatus "qtox" = Just "qTox's current status :: ::
chkStatus "utox" = Just "uTox's current status ::"
chkStatus _ = Nothing

findUser :: String -> [User] -> Maybe User
findUser name list = do
let matches = filter (\x -> nick x == name) list
if null matches
then Nothing
else Just $ head matches

mkUser :: String -> User
mkUser str = (User (n str) (u str) (h str) 0 0)
n = takeWhile (/= '!')
u = drop 1 . takeWhile (/= '@') . dropWhile (/= '!')
h = drop 1 . dropWhile (/= '@')

userModKarma :: User -> Int -> User
userModKarma user change = user { karma = (karma user) + change }

userKarma :: User -> Int
userKarma u = karma u

kickBan :: String -> String -> Net ()
kickBan channel shitball = do
setBan channel shitball
Expand All @@ -269,47 +343,55 @@ chanMode :: String -> String -> String -> Net ()
chanMode mode target user = do
write "MODE" $ target ++ " " ++ mode ++ " " ++ user

chanAddUser :: Channel -> String -> Channel
chanAddUser old user = old { users = user : users old }

dumpChans :: [Channel] -> Net ()
dumpChans channs = mapM_ (\x -> io $ putStrLn ((chname x) ++ " " ++ (default_repo x))) channs
dumpChans channs = mapM_ (\x -> io $ putStrLn ("DMPCHN: " ++ (chname x) ++ " -- " ++ (default_repo x) ++ unwords (users x) )) channs

chanSetRepo :: String -> String -> Net ()
chanSetRepo search repo = do
real <- gets channels
let (ch, other) = botPopChan search real
if null ch
then return ()
else do
let ch' = head ch -- We're just guessing here :<
let ch2 = ch' { default_repo = repo }
let new = nubBy (\x y -> chname x == chname y) $ ch2 : other
modify (\bot -> bot { channels = new })
let ch2 = ch { default_repo = repo }
let new = nubBy (\x y -> chname x == chname y) $ ch2 : other
modify (\bot -> bot { channels = new })

chanSetOwn :: String -> String -> Net ()
chanSetOwn search owner = do
real <- gets channels
let (ch, other) = botPopChan search real
if null ch
then return ()
else do
let ch' = head ch -- We're just guessing here :<
let ch2 = ch' { default_rown = owner }
let new = nubBy (\x y -> chname x == chname y) $ ch2 : other
modify (\bot -> bot { channels = new })
let ch2 = ch { default_rown = owner }
let new = nubBy (\x y -> chname x == chname y) $ ch2 : other
modify (\bot -> bot { channels = new })

chanInviteUser :: String -> String -> Net ()
chanInviteUser chan user = invtMsg $ "" ++ user ++ " " ++ chan

invtMsg :: String -> Net ()
invtMsg msg = write "INVITE" $ msg

privMsg :: String -> String -> Net ()
privMsg to text = write "PRIVMSG" $ to ++ " :" ++ text

chNick :: String -> Net ()
chNick nick = write "NICK" nick

botPopChan :: String -> [Channel] -> ([Channel], [Channel])
botPopChan search cs = partition (\x -> search == chname x) cs
mkChan :: String -> Channel
mkChan c = Channel c [] (drop 1 c) []

botPopChan :: String -> [Channel] -> (Channel, [Channel])
botPopChan search cs = do
let (a, b) = partition (\x -> search == chname x) cs
if null a
then (mkChan search, b)
else (head a, b)

joinChan :: String -> Net ()
joinChan c = do
write "JOIN" c
old <- gets channels
let chan = (Channel c [] [] [])
let chan = mkChan c
let new = nubBy (\x y -> chname x == chname y) $ chan : old
-- dumpChans new
modify (\bot -> bot { channels = new })
Expand All @@ -327,9 +409,7 @@ issueFinder :: String -> String -> Net ()
issueFinder trg msg = do
allchan <- gets channels
let (ch, _) = botPopChan trg allchan
let (owner, repo, inum) = parseIssueRequest (head ch) trg msg
gl <- io $ glIssueFind inum
privMsg trg gl
let (owner, repo, inum) = parseIssueRequest ch trg msg
url <- io $ checkIssue owner repo $ read inum
if isJust url
then privMsg trg $ fromJust url
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -424,7 +504,6 @@ realIssue repo_name owner issu_numb issue = do
then return (Just (str ++ "||" ++ owner ++ "/" ++ repo_name ++ "/" ++ show issu_numb))
else return (Just str)

-- GitLab helpers
Expand Down

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