Ce projet est un quine, un programme qui, lorsqu'il est exécuté, génère son propre code. Dans ce cas, le quine génère un labyrinthe aléatoire en Lua. Chaque labyrinthe est unique, et le code produit peut lui-même être exécuté pour générer un nouveau labyrinthe à chaque itération.
fair en sorte que require("lexer") pointe vers lexer.lua puis profiter !
local a=[[local a=%q a=string.gsub(string.gsub(string.format(a,a),string.char(34),string
char(10),string.char(32)),string.char(92,32),string.char())local b=-1;while b~=0 do a,b=
string.gsub (a,string .char(32 ,32),string
.char(32 ))end;local c=require (string.
char(108 ,101,120 ,101,114 ))local
function d(e,f)f= f or e;if e%%2==0 then e=e+1 end;if f%%2==0
then f=f +1 end;local g={}for h=1,(e+1)*f do g[h]=1 end ;local i
,j=0,0;local k,l=math .random( 1,(f-1)/2)*2,math.random (1,(e-1)
/2)*2;local m,n=0,0; local o= {{0,1},{ 0,-1},{1
,0},{-1, 0}}local function p(q,r)return q<f and
q>0 and r<e and r>0 end; local function s(q,r)m=
m+1;if m >n then i,j=q,r;n=m end;local t= {}for u, v in ipairs
(o)do table .insert( t,v)end;for h=#t,2,-1 do local w= math.random
(1,h)t[h ],t[w]=t [w],t[h]end;for u,x in ipairs (t)do local y,z=q+2*
x[1],r+2 *x[2]if p(y,z)and g[z*f+y] ==1 then g[(z-x[2
])*f+y-x [1] ]=0; g[z*f+y] =0;s(y,z )m=m-1 end end end;
g[l*f+k] =2;s(k,l )g[j*f+i ]=3;g.h= e;g.w=f; function
g.print (A)A=A or 4;if A%% 2==1 then A=A+1 end ;local B
=c(a)[1] for C,D in pairs (B)do if D.data== string.char
(91,91)then C=C+1;local E=c(table .remove( B,C).data )[1]for
h=#E,1,- 1 do table .insert( B,C,E[h]) end;break
end end ;local C =1;local function F(G,H)H=
H or false ;if G<=0 then return string.char (),G end
;while H and C<=#B and B[C].type== string.char (119,104 ,105,116
,101,115 ,112,97,99,101)do C=C+1 end;local I=string .char(45
,45)if C <=#B then I=B[C].data;C= C+1 end; local J, K=F(G-#I
)if G-#I >=K then return I ..J,K end ;C=C-1;return
I,G-#I end;local L=0;for h=1,e do for u=1,
A/2-1 do for w=1, f do if g[h*f+w] ==1 then
local J ,K=F(A-L ,g[h*f+w -1]==0)L=-K;io.write(J)else io.write
(string. rep(string .char(32 ),A-L))L=math.max(0,L-A) end end;
io.write (string. char(10)) L=0 end end;while C<=#B do local
x,u=F(f *A)io.write (x)io.write (string. char(10))
end end; return g end;d(19 ,11).print (8)]] a=
string.gsub (string. gsub(string .format( a,a),string
.char(34 ),string .char(91 ,91),1), string.char(34),string.char
(93,93), 1)a=string .gsub(string .gsub(a, string.char(10),string.char
(32)),string .char(92 ,32),string .char()) local b=-1;while b~=0 do
a,b=string .gsub(a, string.char (32,32),
string.char (32))end ;local c =require
(string. char(108 ,101,120 ,101,114
))local function d(e,f)f=f or e;if e%2==0 then e=e+1 end;if f%2== 0 then f
=f+1 end ;local g={}for h=1,(e+1)*f do g[h]=1 end;local i,j=0,0;local k,l=math
.random( 1,(f-1)/2)*2,math.random(1,(e-1)/2)*2;local m,n=0,0;local o={{0,1},{
0,-1},{1 ,0},{-1, 0}}local
function p(q,r)return q<f and
q>0 and r<e and r>0 end;
local function s(q,r)m=m +1;if m> n then i,j=q,r;n=m end;local t={}for
u,v in ipairs(o)do table .insert( t,v)end;for h=#t,2,-1 do local w=
math.random(1,h)t[h],t[w ]=t[w],t [h]end;for u,x in ipairs (t)do local
y,z=q+2 *x[1],r+ 2*x[2]if
p(y,z)and g[z*f+y] ==1 then
g[(z-x[ 2])*f+y- x[1] ]=0
;g[z*f+y]=0;s(y,z)m=m-1 end end end;g[l*f+k]=2;s(k,l)g[j*f+i]=3;g.h=e;g.w=f;function g.print
(A)A=A or 4;if A%2==1 then A=A+1 end;local B=c(a)[1]for C,D in pairs(B)do if D.data==string
.char(91,91)then C=C+1;local E=c(table.remove(B,C).data)[1]for h=#E,1,-1 do table.insert
(B,C,E[h])end;break end end;local C=1;local function F(G,H)H=H or false;if G<=0 then return
string.char(),G end;while H and C<=#B and B[C].type==string.char(119,104,105,116,101,115
,112,97,99,101)do C=C+1 end;local I=string.char(45,45)if C<=#B then I=B[C].data;C=C+1 end
;local J,K=F(G-#I)if G-#I>=K then return I..J,K end;C=C-1;return I,G-#I end;local L=0;for
h=1,e do for u=1,A/2-1 do for w=1,f do if g[h*f+w]==1 then local J,K=F(A-L,g[h*f+w-1]==
0)L=-K;io.write(J)else io.write(string.rep(string.char(32),A-L))L=math.max(0,L-A)end end
;io.write(string.char(10))L=0 end end;while C<=#B do local x,u=F(f*A)io.write(x)io.write
(string.char(10))end end;return g end;d(19,11).print(8)