- Install package by following the steps at Installing the Package.
- Set up the package by following the steps at Basic Setup Guide.
- Use with @bcgov/citz-imb-kc-express or standalone.
- Allows easy use of the BCGov Keycloak CSS SSO API in a nodejs application.
What is this package for? - Checkout General Information
- General Information
- Installing the Package - Start Here!
- Basic Setup Guide - Setting up after installing.
- Environment Variables - Required variables for initialization.
- Module Exports - Functions available from the module.
- TypeScript Types - Available TypeScript types.
- Applications using this Solution - See an example of how to use.
- For running on a NodeJS:20 API.
- For Keycloak Gold Standard.
- Works with Vanilla JavaScript or Typescript 5.
- Use with @bcgov/citz-imb-kc-express or standalone.
- Allows for easy use of BCGov Keycloak CSS SSO API in a nodejs application.
- Check, add, or remove roles from a Keycloak user in your Keycloak Integration.
- Add, update, read, or remove roles from your Keycloak Integration.
- Get a list of users in your Keycloak Integration based on a query.
- Add the following line to your
"dependencies": {
"@bcgov/citz-imb-kc-css-api": "https://github.com/bcgov/citz-imb-kc-css-api/releases/download/v<VERSION>/bcgov-citz-imb-kc-css-api-<VERSION>.tgz",
// The rest of your dependencies...
- Replace
with the version you wish to use. Reference releases for version numbers.
- Run
npm install
to add the package.
Add the required environment variables from the Environment Variables section below.
Start using the functions provided in Module Exports.
Example use:
import { getRole, getRoleComposites } from "@bcgov/citz-imb-kc-css-api";
* @returns {object} - Below properties.
* @property {string} name - the name of the role (ex: "Admin").
* @property {boolean} composite - if the role is composite (containing 'child' roles).
const { composite } = await getRole('Admin');
if (composite) {
* @returns {object} - Below properties.
* @property {object[]} data - Array of role composites.
* @property {string} data[i].name - the name of the composite role (ex: "view-reports").
* @property {boolean} data[i].composite - if the role is composite (containing 'child' roles).
const { data } = await getRoleComposites('Admin');
data.forEach(({ name }) => console.log('Admin role holds composite: ', name));
Role composites are set within the CSS SSO Dashboard.
Go to 'My Projects' > 'Integrations' > Select an Integration > 'Integration Details' > 'Role Management' > Select a Role > 'Composite Roles'.
# Ensure the following environment variables are defined on the container.
CSS_API_CLIENT_ID= # Keycloak CSS API Service Account client_id
CSS_API_CLIENT_SECRET= # Keycloak CSS API Service Account client_secret
SSO_INTEGRATION_ID= # Keycloak integration id (dont include leading zeros)
SSO_ENVIRONMENT= # 'dev', 'test' or 'prod'. Default is 'dev'.
DEBUG= # (optional) Set to 'true' to get useful debug statements in api console.
CSS_API_URL= # (optional) CSS API url, see default value below.
# https://api.loginproxy.gov.bc.ca/api/v1
These are the functions and types exported by the @bcgov/citz-imb-kc-css-api
import {
getIntegration, // Get integration details.
getRoles, // Get all roles from integration.
createRole, // Create a new role.
getRole, // Get role details.
updateRole, // Update a role name.
deleteRole, // Remove a role.
getRoleComposites, // Get a role's composites.
addRoleComposite, // Add a composite to a role.
getRoleComposite, // Get a composite role from a role.
deleteRoleComposite, // Remove a composite role from a role.
getUserRoles, // Get roles associated with a user.
assignUserRoles, // Assign roles to a user.
getUsersWithRole, // Get users associated with a role.
unassignUserRole, // Unassign a role from a user.
getIDIRUsers, // Get list of IDIR users by query.
getAzureIDIRUsers, // Get list of Azure IDIR users by query.
getGitHubBCGovUsers, // Get list of GitHub BCGov users by query.
getGitHubPublicUsers, // Get list of GitHub Public users by query.
getBasicBCeIDUser, // Get Basic BCeID user by guid.
getBusinessBCeIDUser, // Get Business BCeID user by guid.
getBothBCeIDUser, // Get Basic or Business BCeID user by guid.
} from '@bcgov/citz-imb-kc-css-api';
These are the TypeScript types of the @bcgov/citz-imb-kc-css-api
// Integration
const getIntegration: () => Promise<any>;
// Roles
const getRoles: () => Promise<any>;
const createRole: (roleName: string) => Promise<any>;
const getRole: (roleName: string) => Promise<any>;
const updateRole: (roleName: string, newRoleName: string) => Promise<any>;
const deleteRole: (roleName: string) => Promise<any>;
const getRoleComposites: (roleName: string) => Promise<any>;
const addRoleComposite: (roleName: string, newCompositeRole: string) => Promise<any>;
const getRoleComposite: (roleName: string, compositeRoleName: string) => Promise<any>;
const deleteRoleComposite: (roleName: string, compositeRoleName: string) => Promise<any>;
// Role-Mapping
// username: <guid>@<identity_provider>
// Example : jj4vrfekurtzc2931k8mroqx3fgibrr3@idir
const getUserRoles: (username: string) => Promise<any>;
const assignUserRoles: (username: string, roleNames: string[]) => Promise<any>;
const getUsersWithRole: (roleName: string, page?: number, count?: number) => Promise<any>;
const unassignUserRole: (username: string, roleName: string) => Promise<any>;
// Users
const getIDIRUsers: (query?: IDIRUserQuery) => Promise<any>;
const getAzureIDIRUsers: (query?: IDIRUserQuery) => Promise<any>;
const getGitHubBCGovUsers: (query?: GitHubUserQuery) => Promise<any>;
const getGitHubPublicUsers: (query?: GitHubUserQuery) => Promise<any>;
const getBasicBCeIDUser: (guid: string) => Promise<any>;
const getBusinessBCeIDUser: (guid: string) => Promise<any>;
const getBothBCeIDUser: (guid: string) => Promise<any>;
type RequestParams = {
integrationEndpoint?: boolean; // Default: false
environmentEndpoint?: boolean; // Default: true
endpoint: string;
method?: "GET" | "POST" | "PUT" | "DELETE"; // Default: GET
body?: RequestBody;
type RequestRoleObject = {
name: string;
type RequestBody = RequestRoleObject | RequestRoleObject[] | [];
type IDIRUserQuery = {
firstName: string;
lastName?: string;
email?: string;
guid?: string;
type GitHubUserQuery = {
name?: string;
login?: string; // Username
email?: string;
guid?: string;
For expected response data, reference the following swagger docs: BCGov Keycloak CSS SSO API Swagger
The following applications are currently using this keycloak implementation solution:
PLAY - CITZ IMB Package Testing App