Get notified for new marketplace listings
supported marketplaces:
More info on how to receive notifications in implementation
- tested on Python 3.9 requirements.txt contains all Python packages needed.
A redis server should be running on port 6379
Make sure you can ping the server locally via the redis-cli
webserver to handle CRUD operations on listing queries
python api/
fetch new listings & sends them with Redis
docker-compose up -d --build
This starts:
- the Redis server
- the webserver
- the notifier (which checks for new listings)
docker-compose up -d
the program will run and check for new listings every 5 minutes. Based on the queries in the DB, it will check for new listings and process them through the process_listings method in INotifier.
ways to communicate with the notifier
! make sure the Redis server is running
Check out the webserver API spec to know which endpoints you can use to manage your queries.
You can paste the spec in Swagger to have a UI.
example of how to handle new listings with Redis pubsub in discordpy to be exact
import json
import redis.asyncio as redis
# this import might differ
from marketplace_notifier.notifier.tweedehands.return_models import TweedehandsListingInfo
from discord.ext import tasks, commands
REDIS_SUB_CHANNEL = 'listings'
# in a Cog
class MyCog(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot): = bot
self.redis_client = redis.StrictRedis()
async def cog_unload(self):
await self.redis_client.aclose()
async def new_listing_reader(self):
listens in Redis channel for messages and processes them
async with as pubsub:
await pubsub.subscribe(REDIS_SUB_CHANNEL)"started listening for new listings...")
async for msg in pubsub.listen():
if msg['type'] != 'message':
data = msg['data'].decode('utf-8')
splitted_data = data.split(' ')
if splitted_data[0] == 'NEW':
# NEW <request_url> {"listings": [<serialized TweedehandsListingInfo objects>]}
query_url = splitted_data[1]
listings_data = json.loads(" ".join(splitted_data[2:]))
new_tweedehands_listings_infos = [TweedehandsListingInfo(**l) for l in listings_data['listings']]]
# do something with the new_tweedehands_listings_infos
# ...
# ... setup cog and load the extension
Queries are a combination of the name of the listing you're using for + some filters (price / location)
Queries to be monitored are stored in a DB.
This is to cache already seen listings and update when new ones arrive.
New listings are sent with Redis to the 'listings'
a webserver is running (on http://localhost:5000
) to handle the commands
For any issues, please create an Issue