Phalcon PHP is a web framework delivered as a C extension providing high performance and lower resource consumption.
This tools provide you useful scripts to generate code helping to develop faster and easy applications that use with Phalcon framework.
- PHP >= 5.3.9
- Phalcon >= 2.0.0
Install composer in a common location or in your project:
curl -s | php
Create the composer.json file as follows:
"require": {
"phalcon/devtools": "dev-master"
If you are still using Phalcon 1.3.x, create a composer.json with the following instead:
"require": {
"phalcon/devtools": "1.3.*@dev"
Run the composer installer:
php composer.phar install
Create a symbolic link to the phalcon.php script:
ln -s ~/devtools/phalcon.php /usr/bin/phalcon
chmod ugo+x /usr/bin/phalcon
Install composer and box in a common location or in your project:
curl -s | php
bin/composer install
Build phar file phalcon-devtools
bin/box build -v
chmod +xr ./phalcon.phar
# Test it!
php ./phalcon.phar
Phalcon Devtools can be installed by using Git.
Just clone the repo and checkout the current branch:
cd ~
git clone
cd phalcon-devtools
This method requires a little bit more of setup. Probably the best way would be to symlink the phalcon.php to a directory in your PATH, so you can issue phalcon commands in each directory where a phalcon project resides.
ln -s ~/phalcon-devtools/phalcon.php /usr/bin/phalcon
chmod ugo+x /usr/bin/phalcon
To get a list of available commands just execute following:
$ phalcon commands help
This command should display something similar to:
Phalcon DevTools (2.0.8)
Lists the commands available in Phalcon devtools
Available commands:
commands (alias of: list, enumerate)
controller (alias of: create-controller)
model (alias of: create-model)
all-models (alias of: create-all-models)
project (alias of: create-project)
scaffold (alias of: create-scaffold)
migration (alias of: create-migration)
webtools (alias of: create-webtools)
Please remove manually directories:
and files:
and just run form your project root:
$ phalcon webtools --action=enable
Should add 'adapter' parameter in your db config file (if you use not Mysql database). For PostgreSql will be
$config = [
"host" => "localhost",
"dbname" => "my_db_name",
"username" => "my_db_user",
"password" => "my_db_user_password",
"adapter" => "Postgresql"
Phalcon Developer Tools is open source software licensed under the New BSD License. © Phalcon Framework Team and contributors