This tool will help you reformat C++ project directory (or any directory containing Cxx files) using clang-format in fast multithreaded manor. Typical scripts are not very effective at reformatting huge amounts of files at one go. This tool solves the issue by using features of C++17-20 standard.
There are no special dependencies, project can be easily compiled for Windows and Unix systems.
Pre-build download available thru releases page.
On Linux: cmake --preset linux64-release && cmake --build build
NOTE: you might need to install libtbb for successfull build!
On Windows: cmake --preset win64-release && cmake --build build
print help with available arguments list-S
optional, specify source directory to reformat, if not provided program will use current working directory as source-I
optional, ignore folders or files in relative paths to-S
optional, specify clang-format executable path, if not provided program will try to find it from LLVM path env variable-C
optional, specify additional command-line arguments for clang-format command, for example --dry-run --Werror --style firefox--verbose
enable more logging (could slow down the performance!)--no-logs
disable console output (could slightly improve the performance)
example command (git bash, windows):
./clang-format-all.exe -S C:/4.26.2-release/Engine/Source -E Tools/clang-format.exe -I Editor Developer ThirdParty -C "--dry-run --Werror" --verbose
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