Cisco Datacenter TAC Workshop for EMEAR - NXOS/ACI Automation demo setup script for NXOS Telemetry Server
├── <<< -d Deploy Script
├── elasticsearch
│ ├── docker-compose.yml <<< Docker configuration file for ELK
│ └── <<< Mapping API
├── <<< Main Class
├── <<< -t Termination script
├── telegraf
│ ├── cert
│ │ └── self_sign2048.pem <<< gNMI Certification
│ ├── conf
│ │ ├── telegraf_in.conf <<< Dial in configurations
│ │ └── telegraf_out.conf <<< Dial out configurations
│ └── docker-compose.yml <<< Docker configuration file for telegraf
├── <<< -u Update Mapping API script
The following are the tested enviorment during Development
Operating System:
• Ubuntu 64-bit
Software Prequisition:
• Docker 20.10.6, build 370c289
• Docker-Compose 1.25.0
• Python 3.8.5
Hardware Prequisition:
• 4 cores
• 16GB RAM
• At least 50 GB available after OS installations. Suggest to have 100 GB available for storing history data at data
Docker Engine
• Please follow the guide from official docker website
Docker-Compose 1.25.0
• Use command “sudo apt-get install docker-compose” or follow the guide from official docker website
Python 3.8.5
• This should be pre-install by ubuntu already. If not, follow the guide from phoenixNap
This section will introduce how to build the code.
We will mark the one that is mandatory to review with (Mandatory) Tag and the one that can be used with default config via (Optional) Tag.
Modify “telegraf/conf/telegraf_out.conf” as the steps stated below.
(Optional) Modify the following pararmeter in “outputs.elasticsearch”
urls = [ "http://elasticsearch:9200" ] # required. <<< Change this to elasticsearch. We are using Docker internal Network DNS here.
## Elasticsearch client timeout, defaults to "5s" if not set.
index_name = "<Templet Name>" <<< The name that will be used ad index name in ELK
## If enabled it will create a recommended index template for telegraf indexes
Modify “telegraf/conf/telegraf_in.conf” as the steps stated below
(Madatory) Setup “inputs.gnmi” based on the following structure
# ## Address and port of the gNMI GRPC server
addresses = ["<Switch IP>:<Port Default:50051>"]
# ## define credentials
username = "<Username of the Switch>"
password = "<Password of the Switch> "
(Optional) Setup subscription of interest via “inputs.gnmi.subscription”. the default setting extract Interface counters via xPath “interfaces/interface/state/counters” under Openconfig every 10 second.
# ## Name of the measurement that will be emitted
name = "<Name of interest>"
# ## YANG models can be found e.g. here: <>
origin = "<YANG Module>"
path = "<Yang Path>" <<< Check chatper “Yang Suit for Dial In xPath” to learn how to construct xpath
# # Subscription mode (one of: "target_defined", "sample", "on_change") and interval
subscription_mode = "<Push Type>"
sample_interval = "<interval in sec>”
(Madatory) Download the OpenConfig SMU via the link
(Madatory) Install the SMU via command
install add mtx-openconfig-all- activate
(Madatory) gNMI requires an OpenSSH certificate for authentication purposes. We need to generate from the switch. The certification can be generated and enabled by the switch via the command below:
feature bash-shell
run bash sudo su
cd /bootflash/
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout self_sign2048.key -out self_sign2048.pem -days 365 -nodes This will give us the following file
>>>> self_sign2048.key
>>>> self_sign2048.pem
openssl pkcs12 -export -out self_sign2048.pfx -inkey self_sign2048.key -in self_sign2048.pem -certfile self_sign2048.pem -password pass:Ciscolab123! We will get the final pfx here that will be used by the switch
>>>> self_sign2048.pfx
Enable the gRPC and active the pfx certificate
feature grpc
crypto ca trustpoint mytrustpoint
crypto ca import mytrustpoint pkcs12 self_sign2048.pfx Ciscolab123!
grpc gnmi max-concurrent-calls 16
grpc use-vrf default
grpc certificate mytrustpoint
(Madatory) Copy the “self_sign2048.pem” from the switch into the “telegraf/cert/” path in the Project Folder.
More Detail Regarding Dial-In can be found in Cisco Guide
Modify “telegraf/conf/telegraf_out.conf” as the step stated below
(Optional) Setup “ inputs.cisco_telemetry_mdt” with the structure below
# ## Telemetry transport can be "tcp" or "grpc". TLS is only supported when # ## using the grpc transport.
transport = "<encoding mode>"
(Madatory) Ochestrate or Config the following command via CLI
ntp server <NTP Server> prefer use-vrf management
feature telemetry
destination-group 1
use-vrf management
ip address <TOLD Server IP address> port 50001 protocol <encoding method> encoding GPB
sensor-group 1
path sys < use xPATH here for example “/bgp/inst/dom-default”> depth 0
sensor-group 2
data-source NX-API
path "<CLI show command>" depth 0
subscription 1
dst-grp 1
snsr-grp 1 sample-interval <Streaming Interval per ms>
subscription 2
dst-grp 1
snsr-grp 2 sample-interval <Streaming Interval per ms>
More Detail Regarding Dial Out can be found in Cisco Guide
Other telegraf input plugin can be found via the link
We use the ELK Mapping API here. To modify the Mapping API for parsing, please modify the ‘elasticsearch/” file.
For each Mapping API, we use the curl command to push it into the elasticsearch. The command itself looks like this.
curl -XPUT "$1:$2/telegraf-out/_doc/_mapping?include_type_name=true" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d' {"_doc"
: {"properties" : {"show processes cpu sort": {"properties":{"kernel_percent": {"type": "double"}}}}}}'
More detail regarding to the Mapping API can be found via link
The code has 4 different modes. The usage of these modes can be seen via the command
python3 –help
Sample output as below:
Help Menu
-s : Start
-t : Terminate
-d : Deploy to remote server. Second argument "server_ip"
-u : Update Mapping API Binding. Make sure you update the script file under elasticsearch/ beforehand. END
generate an SSH Public Key
ssh-keygen -t rsa
Import to the remote deployment server.
python3 -s
python3 -u
python3 -t