Note: For using this sample, you need a valid oAuth credential for the translation / extraction portion. Visit this page for instructions to get on-board.
Ruby Gem adn_viewer
ADN website
How the API Works and sample code
Live Sample
Our View and Data API Beta adds powerful 2D and 3D viewing functionality to your web apps. Our REST and JavaScript API makes it easier to create applications that can view, zoom and interact with 2D and 3D models from over 60+ model formats with just a web browser, no plugin required!
This app serves as a sample for developers seeking to getting a viewer up and running in their app and supporting authentication, bucket creation, uploading of files and registering those files for translation in the same.
The README serves as a tutorial for adn_viewer gem users.
This tutorial is intended for developers with not a lot of experience with Rails or the Autodesk Viewer.
The gem source code can be found here: adn_viewer
It closely follows the steps described in the documentation:
In order to make use of this sample, you need to register your consumer key:
- > My Apps
This provides the credentials to supply to the http requests on the Autodesk server.
Follow the instructions here to install Ruby and Ruby on Rails:
Note: some sort of package management is recommended with Ruby and RoR. For example, RVM is perfect for the job.
Once you've downloaded Ruby, install Rails (this can take a very long while), then create an app and go into the app directory:
gem install rails
rails new yourappname
cd yourappname
Add this to your Gemfile (a file inside the app you just created) to install the adn_viewer gem:
gem 'adn_viewer'
Now, add the following to your Gemfile to install dependencies:
gem 'curb-fu'
gem 'curb'
gem 'gon'
gem 'json'
If you're unsure of where to add these, you may look at the Gemfile in this repo to get an idea. Finally install the all the requisite gems and get the server running:
bundle install
rails server
You should have a rails server up and running on http://localhost:3000 now. Follow these steps to setup uploading and the viewer:
Generate a controller, a function within and its corresponding view:
rails generate controller welcome index
Now, open the file config/routes.rb in your editor and uncomment the following line:
root 'welcome#index'
Add the following code to your welcome controller (app/controllers/welcome_controller.rb), thereby changing the index function to:
def index
key = 'yourkey' #credentials from
secret = 'yoursecret'
name = 'bucketname' #the name you want to give your bucket
policy = 'transient' #the retention policy you want to register your bucket with
filepath ||= "yourfilepath" #such as "#{Rails.root}/public/Test.dwg"
filename = "yourfilename" #such as "Test.dwg"
token = Adn_Viewer.token(key, secret)["access_token"] #gives you an access token
supported_formats = Adn_Viewer.supported_formats(token) #fills the variable supported_formats with all formats that the viewer supports (in json format)
Adn_Viewer.create_bucket(token, name, policy) #creates the bucket
name = Adn_Viewer.check_bucket(token, name)["key"] #checks status and returns bucket name
urn = Adn_Viewer.upload_file(token, name, filename, filepath)["objects"][0].first.to_s #upload the file you want to view
urn = urn[8...-2] #formats the urn correctly
urn = Base64.urlsafe_encode64(urn) #encodes the urn to allow translation
Adn_Viewer.register(token, urn) #registers for translation
gon.token = token #sets variables up to use in javascript for the viewer
gon.urn = urn
Note: for the filepath feild, the sample filepath is "#{Rails.root}/public/Test.dwg". Here the file Test.dwg has been stored in the public folder of the Rails app created. You can do that or even put up a link to wherever you've put up your file.
IMPORTANT: If you're uploading from a link and not from a file on your machine, you must also install the dependency gem 'nokogiri' in the Gemfile and doing bundle install. Finally, pass your filesize in bytes to your upload_file function too. Note: all of this is only required to upload file from a website, not from your own machine.
Sample code for such a call after putting gem 'nokogiri'
in your gem and doing bundle install:
filename = "eg.dwg"
filepath = "http://eg/eg.dwg"
filesize = 2199482
Adn_Viewer.upload_file(token, name, filename, filepath, filesize)
Also, for the 3 types of polices available, read this: bucket policies.
Go ahead and change the feilds here with your credentials, choice of bucket name and file. Read through the commands and comments to understand the gem functions.
Finally, add the following code to file app/views/welcome/index.html.erb:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<%= include_gon %>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">
<script src=""></script>
var token = gon.token;
var urn = gon.urn;
function getToken() {
return token;
function loadDocument(viewer, documentId) {
// Find the first 3d geometry and load that.
Autodesk.Viewing.Document.load(documentId, function(doc) {
var geometryItems = [];
geometryItems = Autodesk.Viewing.Document.getSubItemsWithProperties(doc.getRootItem(), {
'type' : 'geometry',
'role' : '3d'
}, true);
if (geometryItems.length > 0) {
}, function(errorMsg) {// onErrorCallback
alert("Load Error: " + errorMsg);
function initialize() {
var options = {
'document' : 'urn:' + urn,
'getAccessToken': getToken,
'refreshToken': getToken,
var viewerElement = document.getElementById('viewer');
var viewer = new Autodesk.Viewing.Viewer3D(viewerElement, {});
Autodesk.Viewing.Initializer(options,function() {
loadDocument(viewer, options.document);
<body onload="initialize()">
<div id="viewer" style="position:absolute; width:98.7%; height:97.5%;"></div>
Now restart your server and go to http://localhost:3000 to get an access token, create a bucket, upload a file, register it for translation and view it on the Autodesk Viewer. Enjoy the power of 3D!
Note: Refresh after a while if you see a load error alert in the viewer. Your file is still translating.
You may view the final code that gets the server up and running in this repo. Cloning this repo, changing variable names and starting up the rails server after installing the bundle may serve you well too!
Finally, here is a more complex app built incorporating the API: sample-ruby-on-rails-app-prototyping
This sample is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for full details.
Pratham Makhni Alag (Autodesk Developer Network)
For troubleshooting, visit and post with reference to the view and data api.