simple software stack for NCEP dependencies. Build and retrieve capabilities only created to provide a line by line build of every NCEP application dependency without overarching APIs like spack. experience shows this approach is most effective on broken or weird machines where standard APIs can't quickly build and it reduces time to UFS and other application running It is NOT intended to replace spack. Many dependency safety checks are off and it assumes users really know what they are doing.
Build instructions
1: Full build
Preload MPI, the compiler, python and a recent cmake (system cmake is usually too backlevel to function with NOAA software builds) with your system's module commands
Run the script sh scr/ (should take about 100 minutes)
When this completes ALL dependencies will be in ./.. something.. set in PREFIX in scr/ with current value ./netcdf140.492.460.mapl235.fms2301.crtm240.z
Dependencies, are in this directory ./lib ./lib64 ./bin and ./include and a user build can access them setting CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to this directory.
An example if the dependencies were built in /tmp/gwv/simstack/netcdf140.492.460.mapl235.fms2301.crtm240.z
export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/tmp/gwv/simstack/netcdf140.492.460.mapl235.fms2301.crtm240.z export ESMFMKFILE=/tmp/gwv/simstack/netcdf140.492.460.mapl235.fms2301.crtm240.z/ESMF_8_4_1/lib/
This is all that is needed for the ufs, gsi, enkf, ufs_utils, upp, and gsi_utils cmakes in global workflow to work (GDAS DOES NOT WORK!!)
1a : The full build assumes full connectivity to various git repositories from your system. If ANY are blocked, it will be easier to run this build on another system with full connectivity and then copy the contents of the resulting ./dists directory to the system with blocked repository gits, bypassing the need for external gits.
For example on hera, a known sufficiently connected system (Orion, Acorn, GaeaC5 and Hercules also are sufficiently connected, jet is not)
mkdir /tmp/sim
module load intel/ module load impi/2018.4.274 module load cmake module load intelpython/2022.3.0 cd /tmp/sim git clone cd simstack sh -x scr/
Then when its done, tar -cvf $SOMEWHERE.ON.HERA ./dists
copy $SOMEWHERE.ON.HERA to your system $SOMEWHERE.LOCAL as a tarball
On your blocked system
mkdir /tmp/sim cd /tmp/sim git clone cd simstack tar -xvf $SOMEWHERE.LOCAL sh -x scr/ (it's with the dist gits removed)
1b. It is possible for the build from contents in dists to fail since some distributions (gFTL) do internal gits inside cmake at build time) So far the following method has succeeded on such systems (airgapped to the Internet)
Again on hera as the well connected system
tar -cvf $SOMEWHERE.ON.HERA ./build
copy the BUILD tarball to the airgapped system and untar it on the simstack root as above
cd to ./build and run sh This will repeat the build but with internally prefetched packages inside the distributions e.g. gFTL
This procedure was tested with hera as the well connected system and a jet compute node (tjet) as the internet disabled system.
An alternate build for global workflow is supplied in ./global.sorc. cd to ./global.sorc and do cp -r * to your global workflow ./sorc clone. All of these files are additions to the build system and work instead of the build system. NONE are modifications to the build system.