This version is a tweak to
- Win32传统右键菜单(标题栏右键菜单和托盘图标右键菜单 )现在已经添加深色支持。
- 再一次压缩应用包体积,删除了重复的第三方库(H.NotifyIcon.WinUI和Aria2.NET,改为自行实现),新版本安装包体积将近减少了 15%
- 最低版本从Windows 10 1903(18362)降低到Windows 10 1809(17763)
- 移除了Windows App SDK需要的Vclibs框架依赖。
New features
- Win32 traditional right-click menus (title bar right-click menu and tray icon right-click menu) have now added dark color support.
- The application package size was compressed again, and duplicate third-party libraries (H.NotifyIcon.WinUI and Aria2.NET, changed to self-implementation) were removed, and the new version installation package volume was reduced by nearly 15%
- Minimum version reduced from Windows 10 1903 (18362) to Windows 10 1809 (17763)
- Removed Vclibs framework dependencies required by Windows App SDK.
- 修复了系统的通知不能唤醒应用的bug。
Fixed issues
- Fixed the bug that the system's notification could not wake up the app.
- Html解析暂未重构(可能会移除HtmlAgilityPack)。
Backlog (tentative, subject to future adjustments)
- Html parsing has not yet been refactored (HtmlAgilityPack may be removed).
- 应用内置的下载功能目前还在处于测试阶段,可能存在不稳定现象。如果您在下载文件的过程中发生了错误,请在设置中将下载选项切换为“使用浏览器下载”。
- 由于应用现在已经通过IL裁剪消除掉大量无用的代码,可能会出现一些未知性异常(目前经过测试还未遇到)。
- Aria2暂未提供Arm64版本的发布,有时间会构建一个支持Windows 11 on ARM64的二进制文件。
- 应用默认为单实例应用(如果应用存在主实例,默认会关闭其他实例),当应用第二次意外启动时,可能会发生内存泄漏问题,然后其他实例应用会意外退出。请注意,这不会影响主实例应用, 但未来确保这种现象发生,请不要多次启动应用(目前暂未定位到这一Bug)。
Problems with this release
- The built-in download function of the app is still in beta and may be unstable. If you make an error while downloading a file, toggle the download option to "Download using browser" in the settings.
- Since the application has now eliminated a lot of useless code through IL pruning, some unknown exceptions may occur (which have not been encountered after testing so far).
- Aria2 does not yet provide the release of Arm64 version, and there will be time to build a binary that supports Windows 11 on ARM64.
- The application defaults to a single-instance application (if the application has a primary instance, the other instances will be closed by default), when the application is launched unexpectedly for the second time, a memory leak may occur, and then the other instance application will quit unexpectedly. Note that this does not affect the main instance app, but to ensure this happens in the future, do not launch the app more than once (Currently this bug has not been located).
This version will still provide two files. One is the msixbundle installation package, which can be quickly installed directly using the application installer, and the other compressed package is a complete installation package containing dependent framework libraries, which needs to be unzipped after the download is completed, and the install.ps1 file can be quickly installed by running the install.ps1 file using PowerShell.