Todoed is a simple extension to highlight keywords like TODO, FIXME, NOTE... I have added some options to modify the keywords and their colors.
If you find any bugs or have suggestions, fell free to report it here. This would help me a lot.
Todoed has 2 command available right now. Todoed: Toggle Hightlight
that turn on or off the keywords highlight and Todoed: List Keywords
that give you a list of all keywords in the document and their position.
The following is the default configuration.
"todoed.keywords": { // Keywords and thier color
"BUG": "#FF3333", // could also be rgb or rgba colors like rgb(255, 51, 51) or rgba(255, 51, 51, 50%)
"FIXME": "#FF3333", // you can use regexp as keyword like FIXME-\\d+ to highlight FIXME-numbers
"HACK": "#FF00FF",
"INFO": "#1E90FF",
"NOTE": "#1E90FF",
"TODO": "#FF3333",
"WIP": "#A9A9A9",
"XXX": "#FF00FF"
"todoed.borderRadius": 0, // Raduis of the keyword background if set to true
"todoed.isBold": true, // Enable or disable bold font
"todoed.isItalic": false, // Enable or disable italic text decoration
"todoed.isUnderline": false, // Enable or disable underline text decoration
"todoed.keywordColor": "#000000", // Keywords color if background and foreground are set to true
"todoed.showBackground": false, // Enable or disable keywords background
"todoed.showForeground": true, // Enable or disable keywords foreground
"todoed.highlight": true, // Enable or disable todoed
"todoed.maxFileSize": 1000000, // The maximum file size to work with (1mb)
"todoed.maxLineCount": 10000, // The maximum number of line to work with
If you want a build of Todoed you can find it in the release section or in the build folder. Else use vsce package
in the project folder.
To install, open visual studio code and go to the extention menu. Click on the three dots and click on Install from VSIX
and choose the todoed-X.X.X.vsix
file. Or just install it on the market place.