File Structure:
Key: * = Required for full functionality. ** = Has cargo bay but does not shield anything isnide it. Work in progress. *** = Does not actually work when inverted.
"KerbalFoundries" -> Root directory of the mod, must be placed in GameData. \ "Assets" -> Contains all of the textures and models.
\ "Extras" -> Contains compatibility ModuleManager patches and other supplementary configs. \ - "KF_DustFX_MM.cfg" -> Compatibility patches between CollisionFX and the KF-specific DustFX particle systems.* \ - "KF_Scaletype.cfg" -> Contains all the ScaleType definitions for TweakScake.* \ - "KFCommunityTechTree.cfg" -> Contains a few requested tech modifications for users who use CTT. \ - "FE_Mod_KerbalFoundries.cfg" -> Users of Filter Extensions will have a KF category with all of our parts in it.
\ "Parts" -> Contains the part configs. \ "LoFiAPUrevA.cfg" -> An Auxilary Power Unit that generates ElectricCharge using LF/O as needed. \ "Repulsor.cfg" -> The most basic repulsor unit with no gimbal and attaches like a wheel would. \ "RepulsorGimbal.cfg" -> The new revolution in repulsion technology, works no matter what side is up. \ "RepulsorSurface.cfg" -> A surface-attachable repulsion module. No gimbals, but very thin. \ "RoverBody.cfg" -> A basic rover body that has some built-in RCS systems for control when repulsing.** \ "Screw.cfg" -> Based on a design used for vehicles that traverse fields of thick mud. Works like a track. \ "Skid.cfg" -> A basic landing skid, but with steering and suspension. \ "TrackLong.cfg" -> A long, tank-like, track unit. \ "TrackMedium.cfg" -> Our first track to make public release, roughly half the size of the long unit. \ "TrackRBIInverting.cfg" -> For those who remember the old RBI mod, this track will need no introduction.*** \ "TrackSimple.cfg" -> A very simple, small-ish track unit. \ "TrackSmall.cfg" -> Very small tracks. \ "TracksMole.cfg" -> Another RBI conversion, these tracks are massive. \ "TrackSurface.cfg" -> A small surface-attachable track that uses wheel-style steering. \ "TrackTiny.cfg" -> An even smaller track than the "Small" ones. \ "WheelLarge.cfg" -> Large wheels, large tires, can carry a heavy load or make a small car flip without even moving. \ "WheelMedium.cfg" -> Our most popular wheel based on the classic KF individual-suspension wheel. \ "WheelSmall.cfg" -> A small wheel that led to the development of our orientation markers due to the way it attaches. \ "WheelTiny.cfg" -> A set of two wheels which use track steering. Not widely used, but suitable for small rovers.
\ Plugins \ "KF_plugin.dll" -> The main plugin.
\ Settings \ "KFGlobals.txt" -> This has all of our global definitions and settings. \ "DustColors.cfg" -> This contains all of the unchanging color definitions for the dust colors based on planet/biome. \ "DustColors_*.cfg" -> These can be ModuleManager patches for other mods that add or change planets. One such example is provided: "DustColors_Arkas.cfg"
\ Sounds \ "APU.ogg" -> Engine sound effect for the APU module. \ "GroundSkid.ogg" -> A sound to be played when skidding over the terrain. \ "repulsor2.ogg" -> A cool new repulsor-running sound effect. \ "TyreSqueel.ogg" -> An unused, but to be used someday, sound effect for tire squeeling. \ "wheel2.ogg" -> A wheel-running sound effect.
License: Detailed in the "License" file distributed with the plugin.