A B.Tech CSE student with a passion for Web Development, UI/UX, animation, and community building. I’m always exploring new skills and sharing my journey on GitHub. Let’s build, design, and innovate together! 💻✨
- 🔭 Currently enhancing my front-end and animation skills.
- 🌱 Deeply invested in creating intuitive and user-friendly UI/UX.
- 👯 Open to collaborations on front-end, animations, and creative projects.
- 📫 Reach out: [email protected]
- Languages: Java, HTML (Yes, I know HTML isn’t a programming language!), CSS, JavaScript, React.js
- Animation: GSAP, Lottie
- UI/UX & Design: Prototyping, wireframing, user flow creation, color theory, and responsiveness in Figma
- Design: Figma, Blender, Canva, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator
- Packaging & Branding: Expertise in creating cohesive packaging designs and brand visuals
- Creative Media: Graphic design, logo creation, digital illustration