RobustLeastSquares attempts to make robust estimation using least-squares problems painless and simple. It provide these useful features:
- A set of linear equation solvers, to perform linear least-squares optimization steps.
- A set of M-estimators for robust estimation. An estimator is used to remove outliers by reducing the cost (loss) function for abnormally large residuals, and gets its name from the statistical method of estimating parameters from certain statistical distributions (e.g. Gaussian statistics correspond to the standard L2-estimator, etc).
- A high-level optimization routine that performs iteratively reweighted least-squares, solving the non-linear optimization of the cost/loss function by a series of quadratic minimization steps.
Suppose we want to find the "best estimate" of x
to the equations Ax = b
where we know our data (A
and b
) suffer from incomplete information,
statistical errors and wild outliers. RobustLeastSquares lets us solve this
robustly and easily:
x_estimated = reweighted_lsqr(A, b, HuberEstimator(1.0); refit = true, n_iter = 20)
The package has three in-built solvers - QR factorization of the ordinary least-squares problem, the normal-form of the least-squares problem, and conjugate gradient on the former.
We are trying to find x such that ||r|| is minimized where the residual r = Ax - b (i.e. find the x so that Ax is as close as possible to b - if A is invertible, the solution is inv(A).b and r = 0).
The solution in the general case may be found directly using the "normal equations" A'A x = A'b where A'A is now a square, Hermitian matrix, and even if A'A is singular, there always exists an exact solution to this equation (since A'b is guaranteed to have zero component in the kernel of A'A). This is more poorly numerically conditioned than minimizing r, but can be faster depending on the sparsity and shape of A.
A weighted least-squares problem introduces a weight vector w which is multiplies r element-wise to scale some residual elements to be larger or smaller, increasing or decreasing their importance in the optimization procedure (which is what lets us reduce the impact of outliers on the solution). Writing the diagonal matrix W = diag(w), we are trying to minimize ||Wr|| = ||W(Ax-b)||, or in the normal form, A'WA = A'Wb.
The solver is called using the solve()
x = solve(A, b, weights, method, x0)
# A: M x N matrix (dense, sparse, etc)
# b: M-vector
# weights: scaling factors to be applied to each element of *r*
# method: a symbol, one of :qr, :normal or :cg
# x0: initial starting vector, for use with :cg method.
But how does one obtain the optimal weight vector for reducing the impact of
outliers? An M-estimator (typically) dampens the impact of the largest elements
of r, making them impact the solution less than in the typical L2-estimator
where the cost function is sum(r.^2)
. See this excellent resource for an
Included M-estimators are represented by Julia instances of subtypes of MEstimator
, cost =sum(r.^2)
, cost =sum(abs(r))
, behaves L2 for r << 1, and L1 for r >> 1FairEstimator(c)
, behaves L2 for r << c, and L1 for r >> cHuberEstimator(c)
, behaves L2 for r << c, and L1 for r >> cCauchyEstimator(c)
, behaves L2 for r << c, and logarithmic for r >> c (non-convex)GemanEstimator()
, behaves L2 for r << 1, and Lorentzian for r >> 1 (non-convex)WelschEstimator(c)
, behaves L2 for r << c, and Gaussian for r >> c (non-convex)TukeyEstimator(c)
, behaves L2 for r < c, and complete cutoff for r > c (non-convex)
As you descend the list, the outliers are more strongly cut-out of the optimization. The non-convex estimators may not have a unique minimum and care must be taken to reach a good-quality solution.
An M-estimator est::MEstimator
provides an interface for obtaining the cost function and weight
vectors through the methods estimator_rho(r,est)
, estimator_psi(r,est)
, estimator_weight(r,est)
. These are called automatically from the optimizer
below or may be integrated into your own code.
There is one more special estimator called a MultiEstimator
which allows you
to apply different estimators to different parts of your residual vector. This
may be useful to, e.g., apply the Huber-estimator to residuals based on your
measurements and the L2-estimator to the residuals corresponding to regularization.
Finally, one can optimize an entire problem with the reweighted_lsqr()
Briefly, this takes the following syntax:
(sol, res) = reweighted_lsqr(A::AbstractMatrix, b::AbstractVector, estimator::MEstimator = L2Estimator(), x0 = nothing; method::Symbol=:qr, n_iter::Integer=10, refit::Bool = false, quiet::Bool = false, kwargs...)
# A: M x N matrix
# b: M-Vector
# estimator: An instance of an MEstimator
# x0: initial guess at solution
# method: symbols :qr, :normal or :cg
# n_iter: number of times to repeat the reweighting
# refit: should the constant c for the MEstimator be refitted using the median-absolute-deviation method?
# sol: the final solution, a N-Vector
# res: the final residuals, an M-Vector