An evolving list of awesome Open Agriculture related things. Feel free to make PRs with suggestions.
- Open source ecology An amazing comunity with tons of relevant projects
- MIT Open Agriculture Initiative Food computer central, large open ag community
- +Farm Open designs for various hydroponics systems
- Open Hydroponics variouse hardware designs for lights grow systems etc.
- Aker raised bed garden systems, bee hives, and more.
- Farmbot a farming robot!
- 3Dponics 3D printing + Hydroponics!
- Astroplant educational grow system
- SpeedSeed 3 Low cost, bench-top controlled speed breeding system.
- Ekylibre - Ekylibre is a simple enterprise management web application for farmers and small enterprises
- farmOS - farmOS is a web-based application for farm management, planning, and record keeping.
- Tania - Tania is a free and open source farming management system for everyone. You can manage your areas, reservoirs, farm tasks, inventories, and the crop growing progress.
- FarmData - FarmData is a free open farm management tool to help operate a farm.
- ISOBlue - ISOBlue is a open source solution for connected farm machinery.
- openRAL - openRAL is a free and open source digital description language for all objects and processes in agriculture and base for the "Smart Farming" ISO standard.