Welcome to the GitHub repository for the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center's Treatment-Related Mortality Calculator. You can access this application at the following link: https://trm.fredhutch.org.
Treatment-Related Mortality (TRM) refers to patient death resulting from medication or treatment. TRM is commonly considered when evaluating treatment options for patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Calculating a patient's risk of TRM through the use of a variety of factors such as age and blood-related lab measurements can help guide decision making for AML treatment protocols.
The Fred Hutch TRM calculator makes use of regression models developed by Walter et al. to quickly evaluate TRM probability and risk for patients diagnosed with AML.
This application lives at https://trm.fredhutch.org and can be accessed freely by the public. You can also run this Shiny application locally by downloading the source code available in this repository - the following packages will need to be installed in your R environment prior to running the application:
This project is managed by the Fred Hutch Data Science Lab (DaSL)'s Translational Analytics team. You can read more about our group, mission, and other work on the DaSL homepage.
To report any bugs, submit patches, or request new features, please log an issue in our issue tracker. For direct inquiries, please send an email to DaSL Translational Analytics at [email protected].