This code is provided on an "AS-IS” basis without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of condition, uninterrupted use, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. Your tests and testing environments may require you to modify this framework. Issues regarding this framework should be submitted through GitHub. For questions regarding Sauce Labs integration, please see the Sauce Labs documentation at This framework is not maintained by Sauce Labs Support.
- Install Android Studio.
- Create a JUnit run configuration.
- Add Sauce Labs credentials to the run config as environment variables.
SAUCE_USERNAME=<sauce username>
SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY=<sauce access key>
BUILD_TAG=<optional build id>
- Select UnitTest build variant.
- Run/Debug tests using Android Studio.
- Set Sauce Labs credentials
$export SAUCE_USERNAME=<sauce username>
$export SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY=<sauce access key>
$export BUILD_TAG=<optional build id>
- Run the gradle task as shown below
$./gradlew testDebugUnitTest
- A great resource to search for issues not explicitly covered by documentation.