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In the daily development process, the log is the most convenient clue for us to find bugs. However, the print log that comes with Flutter does not print the time, file name, and line number. This caused us inconvenience to find the problem quickly. Portal via_logger
-[x] Print log level, time, file path and line number -[x] Print long log -[x] Filter logs based on log level -[x] Custom print content
Import the package, you can use it directly, what you see is what you get.
import 'package:via_logger/via_logger.dart';'this is info log.');
Printed out is:
2021-12-23 15:07:51.066223 [package:/test/main.dart:123] this is info log.
In debug mode, all logs are printed by default; in product mode, all logs are closed by default.
///If the log level is set to info, only logs with a level above INFO will be displayed.
Logger.minLevel = Level.INFO;
class Console extends Output {
void output(LogRecord record) {
///Custom print style
print('${record.time [${record.path}:${record.lineNumber}] ${record.message}');
When the app is initialized, set the output engine.
final List<Output> engines = [Console()];