Base svc-framework for µ-services.
This framework is the base for most of my µ-services. Some functionalities include:
- IOC-container through inversify
- Service Lifecycle-management (pre-boot hooks, pre-shutdown hooks)
- Base-logger through pino
- env-parsing through declarative syntax
- Remote-config through polling with semantic versioning strategy
- Test-helpers for full-service integration tests
Example for index entry file
import { ApplicationBuilder, ExecuteCommandArgs } from "@figedi/svc";
.setEnv(({ env }) => ({
serviceName: env(), // translates to SERVICE_NAME
nested: {
value: env(), // translates to NESTED_VALUE
constant: 'constant' // no env needed
* sync dependency, e.g. a service-class, an object etc.
* config is fully-typed through the setEnv structure.
* Other properties in the callback-param are:
* - resolve: Resolve other dependencies in the ioc-container
* - app: Generic App-flags/-settings
* - logger: Root-logger
.registerDependency("dependencyA", ({ config }) => ({ dependency: "value", val: config.nested.value }))
* Async-dependency through provider-pattern. This simply requires
* the user to provide a fn returning a promise. Otherwise all rules
* from registerDependency apply
.registerProvider("providerA", () => async () => ({ providerA: "value" }))
// nested resolving of providers/dependencies possible
.registerProvider("providerB", ({ resolve }) => async () => {
return {
...resolve<Record<string, string>>("dependencyA"),
providerB: await resolve<Provider<any>>("providerA")(),
// lifecycle-management, e.g. global error-handlers.
.onError((_, e) => {
return ErrorHandle.IGNORE;
* The application needs commands to run (command-pattern).
* You can register different commands with registerCommand()
* and run them with the cli-param --command <commandName>.
* To register a default-command, which is always run when
* no param is passed, use registerDefaultCommand()
.registerDefaultCommand("start", ({ resolve, config }) => ({
info: {
name: "DefaultCommand",
execute: async ({ logger }: ExecuteCommandArgs) => {
provider: resolve("providerB"),
config: config.serviceName
'Started the svc, yay'
// run the app-builder, runs until the current command resolves
Example for remote-config
import { ApplicationBuilder, AcceptedVersionRange } from "@figedi/svc";
* the base for the svc-config is an accompanied npm package which defines
* the current version, schema and typings of potentially consumeable remote-configs
import { getFallback, getVersion, ConfigRepository, getRootSchema } from "@figedi/svc-config";
* Projections for later consumption, see description in projections() for usage
logLevel: (config: ConfigRepository) => config.resources.configs.service["common.json"].logLevel,
* A fn which determines whether a given restart-strategy should be executed. False means no strategy ought
* to be executed. Receives the old (if any) and the new value of a given config
const reactsOn: ReactsOnFn<ConfigRepository> = () => false;
// note that the app-builder receives this time the typings of the remote-config
.setEnv(({ env }) => ({
constant: 'constant' ,
configEndpoint: '',
* Defines a remote-config which ought to be used
* for the lifecycle of the service. A remote-config
* needs 3 different things:
* - A source to pull values from. Currently this only has PollingRemoteSource
* - A reloading-strategy. Defines what to do with new values (e.g. a full service restart or inline updates)
* - projections: A fully-typed projection based on the consumed config-values to individual streams
.setRemoteConfig(({ config }) => ({
* Sets a PollingRemoteSource. This source periodically polls
* data from a given endpoint.
* The remote-source needs to verify the consumed data to minify svc-disprutions.
* For this very reason, you can provide a fallback, which is used whenever
* no config-value could be consumed (e.g. config-svc-down), on which this running
* svc can fallback to.
* Consuming remote-configs is risky, therefore this svc uses semantic versioning
* to determine whether it is "safe" to consume a config. The service defines its
* base-version in the poll-config. Then the user can decide whether patch/minor/major
* version-changes are allowed to be consumed
* Remote-configs can be broken, e.g. when the config-svc is provided malformed data.
* This svc additionally checks consumed data against its known JSON-schema.
* The svc-client can decrypt SOPS-encrypted secrets (e.g. provided in the fallback-value).
* For this, there exists a sops-client which uses google KMS (sorry AWS)
source: new PollingRemoteSource({
schema: getRootSchema(),
serviceName: config.serviceName,
fallback: getFallback(),
jsonDecryptor: new SopsClient(KmsKeyDecryptor.createWithKmsClient(kmsClient)), // e.g. SopsClient from @figedi/sops
poll: {
pollingIntervalMs: 5000, // poll every 5s
maxTriesWithoutValue: 2, // retry twice when no value was consumed before throwing
backoffBaseMs: 100, // exponentional-backoff, using the current tries (2 ^ tries * backoffBase + randomness)
endpoint: config.configEndpoint, // the endpoint to poll
version: getVersion(), // the current base-version
acceptedRange: AcceptedVersionRange.patch // only patch increments allowed
* The reloading strategy defines whether a consumed value can be used without a restart
* or whether a full-svc-restart has to be performed.
* This section consists of 2 sections:
* - reactsOn: A fn which determines whether a consumed config-value needs to trigger a given strategy
* - strategy: A strategy to execute when the reactsOn-Fn is triggered.
* The current only available strategy is a rolling-service restartin k8s to minify downtime.
* This works as follows:
* Each svc might eventually consume remote-config-updates and asks via the k8s-api for its
* neighbouring pods. Then, only the oldest pod may restart at any given time (all services must
* be healthy to trigger a restart). Eventually, all pods, from oldest to newest will be restarted
* without downtime (k8s will redirect traffic whenever a pod is unavailable)
reloading: {
strategy: new KubernetesRollingUpdateStrategy(),
* A projections-object which can split a consumed config. If the svc-config has a lot of config-files,
* the projections can be used to split the values. The callback-param provides
* 2 different config-values for consumption:
* - once: A value which resolves once and then never again. Essentially this is a promise.
* - streamed: An observable sequence of config-values
projections: ({ once, streamed }) => ({
onceValue: once(PROJECTIONS.logLevel),
streamedValue: streamed(PROJECTIONS.logLevel),
.registerDefaultCommand("start", ({ resolve, config }) => ({
info: {
name: "DefaultCommand",
execute: async ({ logger }: ExecuteCommandArgs) => {
provider: resolve("providerB"),
config: config.serviceName
'Started the svc, yay'