This project was for COMP2207 Distributed Systems and Networks Cousework 2021/22.
The aim of this project was to create a Distributed Storage System.
This project gained a mark of 100%.
java Controller cport R timeout rebalance_period
The timeout is in milliseconds and the rebalance_period is in seconds.
The Controller keeps track of where files are, and manages the balancing of files between Dstores. The client will communicate with the Controller for all operations and the Controller will direct the client to a Dstore.
No file data passes through the controller. All data is sent directly from the client to the Dstores.
java Dstore port cport timeout file_folder
The timeout is in milliseconds. Data will be stored in the file_folder.
Dstores wait for requests from the Controller or the Client and respond accordinly.
java Client cport timeout
- Store
- Load
- List
- Remove
- Rebalance (Started periodically by controller and when a new Dstore joins)