This repository is a memories and pictures sharing web application (i.e. an instagram clone) developed using the MERN tech stack.
All the system required to deploy your own Instagram clone and the documentation on how to do it and some of the caveats of the solution.
Go first into the back-end code and run it (since the front end needs it to work properly) and then go into the front-end code and run it. More information about how to run each side and deploy it is included in each folder.
- User authentication and authorization
- User registration and email verification
- User profiles
- User searching
- Post creation with descriptions, locations and multiple images
- Post comments
- Post likes
- User Followers
- Logging for all back-end server requests
Note: 👷 This app is still being maintained and updated, this means that what you see on READMEs maybe out of date 👷