C-PAC Version 1.8.2 Beta
This version of C-PAC is deprecated due to a bug in single_step_resampling
. Unless you have a specific reason to use this version of C-PAC, we recommend upgrading to at least version 1.8.4. See https://fcp-indi.github.io/docs/latest/user/release_notes/v1.8.4 for more information about C-PAC v1.8.4. To use this version anyway, you can pull fcpindi/c-pac:release-v1.8.2-DEPRECATED
from Docker Hub.
Critical Alert for fMRIPrep-Options in C-PAC v1.8.1 - v1.8.3
Fixed a bug that was causing
, when combined with certain other configurations, to inadvertently cause unexpected forks in the pipeline past transform application.-
This bug caused any affected
pipeline configurations (includingfx-options
) to produce BOLD time series write-outs to the output directory in template space which were not nuisance regressed or filtered, for C-PAC versions 1.8.1 through 1.8.3. -
Although these outputs were not expressly labeled as nuisance regressed or filtered, they were labeled as preprocessed with
and were the only functional data transformed to template space and used for downstream processing, such as ROI-based timeseries extraction. -
If you are unsure if you have been affected, you can check the side-car JSON for your template-space BOLD data from these versions for those pipeline configurations, as the JSON will still accurately reflect what operations had been performed on the data.
- Usability testing and optimization for the following minimal processing pipelines employed in the Li et al., Milham manuscript (BioRxiv) is complete and they are available:
- CPAC:Default
- The ABCD-BIDS surface-based postprocessing pipeline is implemented, though final usability testing and optimization is pending and will be in next release.
- Added FSL-TOPUP as an option for distortion correction.
- Added changelog
- Added CHD8 mouse template (
) - Added commandline flags
- Added the ability to ingress an entire FreeSurfer output directory to bypass surface analysis if already completed elsewhere
- Added AFNI and Nilearn implementations of Pearson and partial correlation matrices
- Expanded meta-data ingress for EPI field maps to include more fields when parsing BIDS sidecar JSONs.
- Updated possible inputs for T2w processing and ACPC-alignment blocks to increase the modularity of these pipeline options.
branch renamedmain
- Packaged templates in https://github.com/FCP-INDI/C-PAC_templates
branch name (renamedmain
- Fixed bug in which the preprocessed T2w data would not be found in the resource pool when expected.
- Fixed bug in which distortion correction-related field map ingress would raise
IndexError: list index out of range
when ingressing the field maps. - Fixed bug in which some nodes would raise
KeyError: 'in_file'
when estimating memory allocation - Improved memory management for multi-core node allocation.
- Fixed bug where
--participant_label [A B C]
would skip first and last labels (A
). - Stripped the ABI tag note (which was preventing the library from loading dynamically on some host operating systems) from
in the ABCD-HCP variant image. - Fixed an issue blocking non-C-PAC output data from being read in without sidecar meta-data.