C-PAC Version 1.7.0 Beta
New Features
New Command Line Interface. The cpac pip-installable package is now available. This CLI allows you to use C-PAC from the command line without interacting via container-based (Docker, Singularity) CLI commands.
Anatomical Longitudinal Pipeline. C-PAC can now explicitly handle longitudinal data. The dedicated anatomical pipeline generates robust participant-specific templates that improve the registration of longitudinal data and increase reliability.
- [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1053811912002765?via%3Dihub]
Prior-Based Segmentation. DCAN Labs ANTS prior-based tissue segmentation is now available. This approach is thought to be advantageous in the segmentation of the non-human primate brain.
Physiological Noise Filtering for Motion Estimates. Adapted from DCAN Labs, C-PAC can now apply a notch filter to mitigate respiratory artifacts that may present issues in motion estimation.
Tissue Mask Ingress. In an increase of pipeline flexibility, C-PAC can now intake pre-existing anatomical tissue masks if desired, bypassing tissue segmentation. This is particularly important for researchers using manual or manually edited segmentations.
Pipeline speed increase: Motion correction using AFNI 3dvolreg can now be completed faster by dedicating multiple CPUs to each participant. This can provide a major speed increase in data with many TRs, as motion correction is often one of the processing time bottlenecks in a pipeline.
C-PAC now writes out smoothed functional time series, when spatial smoothing is chosen (previously smoothing was only applied to derivatives).
Documentation Improvements
- The C-PAC User Guide now features versioned access! You can now view the user guide for any current or previous supported version (1.5+) of C-PAC.
Error Fixes
A memory error triggered by aCompCor DetrendPC in nuisance regression has been resolved.
An error that sometimes prevented the pipeline from starting when censoring was enabled has been resolved.
An error that would prevent data configuration generation from finishing if hidden files were in the data directory
has been resolved. -
The "SameFileError" crash has been resolved. This error did not have any impact, but it would cause many crash files to be generated.
Coming Soon
- Pipeline Dashboard
- Surface-Based Processing
- BIDS-Derivatives Compatibility
In addition, the C-PAC Docker and Singularity images, as well as the AWS AMI, have all been updated. These provide a quick way to get started.
And as always, you can contact us here for user support and discussion: