CPAC Version 1.0.1b Beta
The updates to CPAC in this new version include:
- CPAC is now compatible with Nipype version 0.13.
- AWS S3 bucket support for BIDS data format participant list builder.
- The pipeline configuration editor’s “Test Configuration” feature now works with participant lists that contain AWS S3 paths.
- The and scripts have been fixed to be compatible with recent changes.
- Fixed a bug in the group-level analysis model builder that would prevent the user from running group analysis on outputs from Seed-Based Correlation Analysis.
- Fixed a bug in the group-level analysis pipeline where AFNI 3ddot would fail when performing a check on the merged 4D derivative file.
- Fixed an issue where crash files would be generated at the beginning of the pipeline for the ‘check_for_s3’ nodes even when not pulling data from an S3 bucket.
- Added more checks for file permissions and scan names at the beginning of the pipeline run.
Updated user documentation for this release can be found here:
And as always, you can contact us here for user support and discussion:!forum/cpax_forum
The CPAC development team.