- load image:
cv2.imread(path, num)
- path: the relative or absolute path of the image
- num: 0->color, 1->gray, 2->unchanged
- show image:
cv2.imshow(name, src)
- name: the window name
- src: the target image
- flip image:
cv2.flip(src, dst)
- src: the target image
- dst: set 0-vertical, 1-horizontal, -1-verical+horizontal to rotate the image
- linear transformation:
- global threshold:
cv2.threshold(src, thres, max, method)
- src: target image
- thres: the threshold value
- max: the value replace the threshold value
- local theshold:
cv2.adaptiveThreshold(src, dst, max, method, type, blocksize, constant)
- src: target image(input)
- dst: the output image
- max: maximum the threshold will separate the image into 0 and max
- blocksize: use odd number to decide the threshold value
- constant: after do the threshold, it may minus some constant value
- rows, cols, channel = img.shape (color); rows, cols = img.shape (gray)
- rows -> height
- columns -> width
- src: the image which you want to transform
- H: transform matrix
- size: the size(rows, columns) after transform
- (x, y): the central of the rotation image
- angle(theta): the angle of the rotation
- scale: the size of the image zoomed
- position1: the origin position(4 points)
- position2: the position you want to wrap(4 points)
- src: target image
- size: the new size of the image
- src: the image which you want to do pyramid down
- dst: the result image
- size: the size of the dst
- src: the image which you want to do pyramid down
- dst: the result image
- size: the size of the dst
- src1, src2: the two pictures you want to add each other
- sobel:
cv2.Sobel(src, ddepth, x, y ...)
- src: the image which you want to find the edge
- ddepth: the depth of the image
- x, y: the differential of x y
- laplacian:
cv2.Laplacian(src, ddepth)
- src: the image which you want to find the edge
- ddepth: the depth of the image
- canny:
cv2.Canny(src, threshold_low, threshold_high)
- src: the image which you want to find the edge
- threshold_low: the lower bound of the image
- threshold_high: the upper bound of the image