Drag and drop the _clara, lib folders and file ClaraIO.cs into the Assets folder of your Unity project. For zip file decompression, we recommend to use Unity.IO.Compression which can be install through unity store.
To create a clara object, you need to assign your username, apiToken and host of clara.io.
Clara clara = new Clara(username, apiToken, host);
You can get the idea from ClaraIO.cs, and we also provide how to export and get the thumbnail from clara in the code.
- scenes:library --- List public scenes
- scenes:list --- List your scenes
- scenes:create --- Create a new scene
- scenes:update --- Update a scene
- scenes:get --- Get scene data
- scenes:delete --- Delete a scene
- scenes:clone --- Clone a scene
- scenes:import --- Import a file into the scene
- scenes:export --- Export a scene
- scenes:render --- Render an image
- scenes:command [options] --- Run a command
- jobs:get --- Get job data
- user:get --- Get User Profile
- user:update --- Update user profile
- user:listScenes --- List user's scenes
- user:listJobs --- List user's jobs
We provide a simple unity project to show how to use the lib. You can open the unity project Example.unity in Example_Unity_Project/Assets/ and run the app. The Download button can download model from clara.io and decompress the zip file in the Application.presistentDataPath. The Thumbnail button can download the scene thumbnail from clara.io and save it in the same path. For the presistentDataPath fo different platform, please check http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Application-persistentDataPath.html.
Since unity is based on Mono framework, all libs required by clara-unity are based on Mono framework with some fixes so they can be used on Unity projects.