Hi there, My name is Alamin Abubakar and I'm a Frontend Developer with focus on design and functionality; while also paying attention to accessibility accross all devices. Looking to learn and improve on already set skills I have also have great interest in Blockchain Technology. I've been curious about the Blockchain Ecosystem for a long while now and decided to dip my toes in and it has been an interesting journey. Looking forward to opportunities to learn and connect.
- Currently improving on my skills and expanding on them. Improving on my design and accessibilty with ThreeJs
- I'm learning Blockchain Development while continually improving on my Frontend skills and eventually expanding to Fullstack
- I'm open to collaborating on Interesting projects relating to my chosen field and connecting with others.
- You can contact me at [email protected] or on Twitter @AlaminxAb
- ReactJs (mainly NextJS recently)
- React Native
- Tailwind/Bootstrap/SCSS/Material UI
- Hardhat
- ThreeJs
- Figma
- Redux Toolkit
- Remix IDE
- Framer Motion
- Smart Contract Development and Testing