Releases: Eventdisplay/Eventdisplay_AnalysisFiles_CTA
Eventdisplay analysis files for CTA - v1.8.0
This is a release of the supplementary files required for the analysis of Monte-Carlo simulations of gamma-ray events with Eventdisplay.
These comprises:
- definition of telescope layouts
- calibration files for the image cleaning
- parameter files for event reconstruction
- gamma/hadron separation parameter files
The analysis files are applicable for prod3, prod3b, prod4, prod4b, prod5, and prod6 simulations.
Main updates:
- prod5 full moon IPR graphs
- relaxed loss cuts for prod5 and prod6 analysis in
parameter files - improved dispBDT hyper parameters
What's Changed
- SCT analysis - telescope multiplicity setting by @GernotMaier in #30
- Add 4 MST arrays for South. by @GernotMaier in #31
- Monitoring array layouts North by @GernotMaier in #32
- Add north sv complementary arrays by @GernotMaier in #33
- Missing LST (sub-)arrays for the North by @GernotMaier in #34
- SVN arrays. by @GernotMaier in #35
- prod6 202402 IPR graphs by @GernotMaier in #36
- prod6 202402 analysis by @GernotMaier in #37
- Prod5 sv south by @GernotMaier in #38
- Adapt prod6 North to latest prod6 simulations by @GernotMaier in #39
- SV 2.0 South arrays with 2 MSTs by @GernotMaier in #40
- Fix col description in prod6 layout files by @maxnoe in #41
- Add prod5 arrays with 2 LSTs, 5 MSTs, 5 SSTs. by @GernotMaier in #42
- Add 3f options for October 2024 proposals by @GernotMaier in #43
- Add ML prod6 N arrays by @GernotMaier in #45
- Full moon IPR graphs for prod5 by @GernotMaier in #46
- Prod5 ipr ns bx30 by @GernotMaier in #47
- Lower min node size by @GernotMaier in #44
- Change loss to max 0.4 by @GernotMaier in #48
- Loss 04 by @GernotMaier in #49
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.7.0...v1.8.0
Eventdisplay analysis files for CTA - prod6 - v1.7.0
This is a release of the supplementary files required for the analysis of Monte-Carlo simulations of gamma-ray events with Eventdisplay.
These comprises:
- definition of telescope layouts
- calibration files for the image cleaning
- parameter files for event reconstruction
- gamma/hadron separation parameter files
The analysis files are applicable for prod3, prod3b, prod4, prod4b, prod5, and prod6 simulations.
Main updates:
- prod6 related IPR graphs
- prod6 related layouts
What's Changed
- Telescope lists for 2LSTs+5SSTs by @GernotMaier in #25
- citation cff by @GernotMaier in #26
- 2LST files. by @GernotMaier in #28
- Add C and D 3LST definitions by @GernotMaier in #29
- CTAO Production Prod6 analysis files preparation by @GernotMaier in #27
Full Changelog: v1.6.0...v1.7.0
Eventdisplay analysis files for CTA - prod5 - v1.6.0
This is a release of the supplementary files required for the analysis of Monte-Carlo simulations of gamma-ray events with Eventdisplay.
These comprises:
- definition of telescope layouts
- calibration files for the image cleaning
- parameter files for event reconstruction
- gamma/hadron separation parameter files
The analysis files are applicable for prod3, prod3b, prod4, prod4b, and prod5 simulations. Most additions in this release are related to prod5 layouts for CTA North and South sites and are used for the release of CTAO IRFs prod5 v0.2.
Main change with regards to 1.5.3:
- add THETA2ENERGYMIN parameter
Eventdisplay analysis files for CTA - prod5 - v1.5.3
This is a release of the supplementary files required for the analysis of Monte-Carlo simulations of gamma-ray events with Eventdisplay.
These comprises:
- definition of telescope layouts
- calibration files for the image cleaning
- parameter files for event reconstruction
- gamma/hadron separation parameter files
The analysis files are applicable for prod3, prod3b, prod4, prod4b, and prod5 simulations. Most additions in this release are related to prod5 layouts for CTA North and South sites.
This release comprises the version used for sq11 layout optimization task and for the CTAO public IRFs with the following changes:
- minor cleanup of gamma hadron cuts.
@GernotMaier GernotMaier v1.5.1 a7fda84 Eventdisplay analysis files for CTA - prod5 - v1.5.2
This is a release of the supplementary files required for the analysis of Monte-Carlo simulations of gamma-ray events with Eventdisplay.
These comprises:
- definition of telescope layouts
- calibration files for the image cleaning
- parameter files for event reconstruction
- gamma/hadron separation parameter files
The analysis files are applicable for prod3, prod3b, prod4, prod4b, and prod5 simulations. Most additions in this release are related to prod5 layouts for CTA North and South sites.
This release comprises the version used for sq11 layout optimization task and for the CTAO public IRFs with the following changes:
- addition of layout file for mixed prod3b SCT-Alpha Analysis
Eventdisplay analysis files for CTA - prod5
This is a release of the supplementary files required for the analysis of Monte-Carlo simulations of gamma-ray events with Eventdisplay.
These comprises:
- definition of telescope layouts
- calibration files for the image cleaning
- parameter files for event reconstruction
- gamma/hadron separation parameter files
The analysis files are applicable for prod3, prod3b, prod4, prod4b, and prod5 simulations. Most additions in this release are related to prod5 layouts for CTA North and South sites.
This release comprises the version used for sq11 layout optimization task and for the CTAO public IRFs.
Eventdisplay analysis files for CTA - prod5
This is a release of the supplementary files required for the analysis of Monte-Carlo simulations of gamma-ray events with Eventdisplay.
These comprises:
- definition of telescope layouts
- calibration files for the image cleaning
- parameter files for event reconstruction
- gamma/hadron separation parameter files
The analysis files are applicable for prod3, prod3b, prod4, prod4b, and prod5 simulations. Most additions in this release are related to prod5 layouts for CTA North and South sites.
This release comprises the version used for sq11 layout optimization task and for the CTAO public IRFs.
Eventdisplay analysis files for CTA - prod5
This is a release of the supplementary files required for the analysis of Monte-Carlo simulations of gamma-ray events with Eventdisplay.
These comprises:
- definition of telescope layouts
- calibration files for the image cleaning
- parameter files for event reconstruction
- gamma/hadron separation parameter files
The analysis files are applicable for prod3, prod3b, prod4, prod4b, and prod5 simulations. Most additions in this release are related to prod5 layouts for CTA North and South sites.
This release comprises the version used for sq11 layout optimization task and for the CTAO public IRFs.
Eventdisplay analysis files for CTA - prod5
This is a release of the supplementary files required for the analysis of Monte-Carlo simulations of gamma-ray events with Eventdisplay.
These comprises:
definition of telescope layouts
calibration files for the image cleaning
parameter files for event reconstruction
gamma/hadron separation parameter files
The analysis files are applicable for prod3, prod3b, prod4, prod4b, and prod5 simulations. Most additions in this release are related to prod5 layouts for CTA North and South sites.
This release comprises the version used for sq10 layout optimization task (v2)
Eventdisplay analysis files for CTA - prod5
This is a release of the supplementary files required for the analysis of Monte-Carlo simulations of gamma-ray events with Eventdisplay.
These comprises:
- definition of telescope layouts
- calibration files for the image cleaning
- parameter files for event reconstruction
- gamma/hadron separation parameter files
The analysis files are applicable for prod3, prod3b, prod4, prod4b, and prod5 simulations. Most additions in this release are related to prod5 layouts for CTA North and South sites.
This release comprises the version used for sq10 layout optimization task.