PoultryTrack is a comprehensive poultry management system designed to streamline the operations of hatcheries, breeders, inventory, and human resources. The project also includes interactive analytics and dashboard functionalities to provide real-time insights and manage chicks and egg tracking processes.
- Add, update, and manage breeders and their associated breeds.
- Track the number of hens, cocks, mortality, and other relevant breeder data.
- Easily upload and manage photos of breeders.
- Handle hatchery processes such as egg setting, candling, incubation, and hatching.
- Record and manage egg batches with detailed hatchery information.
- Monitor hatchery progress and performance throughout the incubation cycle.
- Track chicks and eggs using unique codes for detailed lifecycle monitoring.
- Manage separate tracker codes and barcodes for each egg or chick for easy identification.
- Generate reports and view tracker details in PDF format.
- Keep track of stock levels, poultry feed, equipment, and other assets.
- Manage incoming and outgoing inventory for seamless hatchery and poultry operations.
- Track the current number of birds, including hens, cocks, butchered, and sold birds.
- Calculate mortality rates and adjust poultry counts accordingly.
- Manage staff details, attendance, and roles within the hatchery and poultry farms.
- Visualize data related to hatcheries, breeders, inventory, and human resources.
- Interactive charts and graphs provide actionable insights for decision-making.
PoultryTrack is fully containerized using Docker to simplify setup, configuration, and deployment. Docker ensures that the application can run consistently across multiple environments.
The application relies on certain environment variables for configuration, especially for email and database settings. Here’s a list of environment variables to be set up:
EMAIL_USE_TLS=True # Set to True to use TLS
EMAIL_HOST=smtp.gmail.com # Email service provider
EMAIL_PORT=587 # Port for TLS
EMAIL_HOST_USER=[email protected] # Your email address
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD=your_email_password # Your email password or app-specific password
POSTGRES_DB=your_database_name # Name of your PostgreSQL database
POSTGRES_USER=your_database_user # PostgreSQL username
POSTGRES_PASSWORD=your_database_password # PostgreSQL password
DB_NAME=your_database_name # Name of your database
DB_PASSWORD=your_database_password # Database password
DB_PORT=5432 # Default PostgreSQL port
DB_USER=your_database_user # Database username
secretSeed=cotton resemble audit ring gown wool since ....
encryption_key=L6TVPXtUQBfISfPNcPtI7CW3aT..... # You can generate using key = Fernet.generate_key()
To get started with PoultryTrack, follow these instructions:
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/EsubalewAmenu/Blockchain-Based-Poultry-Management.git cd Blockchain-Based-Poultry-Management
fileSet up your environment variables by creating a.env
file in the project root and include the configurations mentioned above. -
Seed data
If you need see data change command
section to this
command: >
bash -c "python manage.py collectstatic --noinput &&
python manage.py makemigrations &&
python manage.py migrate &&
python manage.py seed_hrms &&
python manage.py init_item_types &&
python manage.py init_breeders &&
python manage.py create_customers &&
python manage.py create_chicks &&
python manage.py create_eggs &&
python manage.py create_hatchery &&
python manage.py create_incubators &&
python manage.py runserver"
Build the Docker images:
docker-compose build
Run the application:
docker-compose up -d
Stop the application
docker compose down
Create the administrator user
docker exec -it app bash and run the folloeing command python manage.py create_user --email MYOUR EMAIL HERE> --first_name <YOUR FIRST NAME> --last_name <YOUR LAST NAME> --primary_phone +251900123456 --role Administrator - -department Admin --is_superuser then check your email for credentials
Access the application: The application will be accessible at
- Docker
- Docker Compose