- Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/Error-404-UCD/eXAI
cd eXAI/Backend
- Setup the virtual environment for backend (Discard if pyenv already created)
python -m venv pyenv
- Start the virtual environment
source pyenv/bin/activate
- Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- In the backend directory create folders named data and models
- In models directory create another folder checkpoints
- Download and extract the datasets in the data folder such that the path would be example, data/Astronomy/galaxies_heic0007b.jpg
- Make sure that the datasets contain images that store classname_ in it's file name
- Start the server in the Backend folder so that the paths are correctly received in the main file
python app/server_launch.py
- Run unit tests with
python -m unittest discover -s tests
- Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/Error-404-UCD/eXAI
cd eXAI/Backend
- Build the docker image
docker build -t docker-exai .
- Run the docker container. Here the port numbers are in the format > frontend_portnumber:docker_backend_portnumber. Make sure to write the frontend_port number in the React POST request URL ( HERE frontend_portnumber= 5000 and docker_backend_portnumber= 5000
docker run -p 5000:5000 docker-exai
- Wait for the model to train and the server to start. It will display a localhost URL. Note that the port number of this URL is connected to the exposed docker_backend_portnumber.
- Change Directory to Frontend
cd Frontend
- Install NPM packages
npm install
- Start react server
npm start
Refer Google Coding Style guide to push into repository
Javascript (https://google.github.io/styleguide/jsguide.html)
Dataset sources
- Kaggle Astronomy (https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/subhamshome/esa-hubble-images-3-classes?resource=download)
- Kaggle Bone Marrow (https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/andrewmvd/bone-marrow-cell-classification)
- Kaggle MNIST (https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/scolianni/mnistasjpg)
AWS Setup Guide
- Setup Nginx as reverse proxy on EC2 instance (https://medium.com/@imageadhikari/setup-nginx-as-reverse-proxy-on-ec2-instance-3c6820b6467b)