The Super Nintendo Landing Page is a fanmade Snes tribute website. The design is heavily based on Nintendo Switch JP website. All images assets are from Google search.
- HTML: Pug preprocessor
- CSS: SASS preprocessor
- JS Code: Javascript vanilla ES5 (Client side only)
- External libraries: throttle and debounce from Lodash, a polyfill from Iamdustan for smooth auto scrolling
- Image manipulation: Photoshop, Gimp, Illustrator, Inkscape
- Image minify TinyPNG
- Favicon build in (faviconit)[]
- Task runner: Gulp
- Boiler plate: I'm using mine, a modified version from HTML5BP for Pug
- Debug: Chrome DevTools
- Tests: Chrome, Firefox, Chrome Mobile
- OS: Linux( Mint, shell Zsh)
- Text editor: Sublime 3
- Version Control: Git
- Host: free hosting at