Validate form fields with special rules.
$ npm install @ewarren/extra-validation
WARNING: It is recommended to load this package asynchronously given the relatively large dataset (>150kb) that has to be loaded.
import('@ewarren/extra-validation').then(module => ...);
Covers all US states, territories and armed forces zip codes. Zip codes were imported from
import { isRealZipcode } from '@ewarren/extra-validation';
isRealZipcode(10010) // true
isRealZipcode('10010') // true
isRealZipcode('10042') // false
Check if the domain of an email input is likely meant to be something else. Common email domain providers pulled from the most common domains on the elizabeth warren email list.
import { checkEmailDomain } from '@ewarren/extra-validation';
checkEmailDomain('[email protected]') // null
checkEmailDomain('[email protected]') //
checkEmailDomain('[email protected]') //
checkEmailDomain('ewarren') // null
# All commands require Docker
# Run test suite
$ make tests
# Build the library
$ make build-lib
# Build the data file
$ build-data