Evolutionary Algorithms implementations, for various (discrete & continuous) optimization problems.
This repository contains implementations of the following:
Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs):
- Genetic Algorithm (GA) - with multiple choices of Selection, Crossover & Mutation strategies.
- Evolution Strategy (ES) - PEPG, OpenAI-ES, CMA-ES.
Optimization problems (of increasing difficulty):
Optimization problem | Type | Parameters number |
String | Discrete-number vector | 12 |
Rastrigin function | Real-number vector | 100 |
Policy Neural-Network for autonomous agent control | Real-number vector | 407 |
Note that the higher the dimensionality (parameters number) of the optimization problem, the harder it is, and the slower the optimization process is.
A family of problem-independent, gradient-free, population-based, metaheuristic or stochastic, global optimization algorithms.
Inspired by the biological concept of evolution by natural selection - a population of candidate solution models follows an evolutionary process towards optimality (optimization via evolution).
Employs a more biologically-accurate form of evolution - utilizes a loop of parents selection, reproduction via crossover (AKA genetic recombination) and mutation.
Employs a more mathematical (and less biologically-accurate) form of evolution - a single parent produces multiple variants of itself via cloning and mutation (a small amount of random noise). After the new population is evaluated, a single parent is created using a weighted-sum of all the individuals (AKA population averaging).
Optimizing a fixed-length String (discrete-valued vector) towards a chosen target String of 12 characters.
For generality purposes, the String (individual & target) is converted into a discrete-number vector (and vice-versa), which is optimized.
Optimizing the Rastrigin function's input parameters (x).
The Rastrigin function is a non-convex function (with multiple local minima), and is used as a performance-test problem for optimization algorithms. It is a typical example of non-linear multimodal function.
Optimizing the Policy Neural-Network's parameters (layers' weights and biases).
A Policy network receives the environment state as an input, and outputs a probability distribution over all possible actions.
Any AI Gym environment can be chosen, as long as the relevant variables parameters
, input_dims
, n_actions
, optimal_fit
) are changed accordingly.
Here, AI Gym's CartPole environment is chosen as an example.
optimization process results:
Environment: CartPole.
Neural-Network layers' units number: (Input) 4,25,10,2 (Output).
- Selection options:
- fitness-proportionate selection (FPS)
- stochastic top-sampling (STS) selection
- tournament (Tour) selection
- Crossover options:
- Single-point crossover(1PtCross)
- Two-point crossover(2PtCross)
- Uniform crossover(UniCross)
- Mutation options:
- Deterministic mutation (DetMut)
- Stochastic uniform mutation (StoUniMut)
- Gaussian-noise mutation (GaussMut)
Notice how the optimization is better with a larger population size.
Notice how the optimization is better with a higher (and constant) mutation sigma.
Sigma = 1
Sigma = 0.5
Sigma: Init = 0.5, Decay = 0.9, Min = 0.01
Examples of how to use: