Version using CAPIF v3.1.2 - NEF v2.2.2 - SDK v1.0.7 and K8s manifest files
Version using CAPIF v3.1.2 - NEF v2.2.2 - SDK v1.0.7
Version using CAPIF v3.1.1 - NEF v2.1.1 - SDK v1.0.4
Version using CAPIF v3.0 - NEF v2.0 - SDK v1.0.2
Version including changes after validation in Demokritos plateform
Version after validation in Demokritos plateform
Include Capif integration, compatibility with last version of SDK and Nef Emulator Adaptation to changes on vApp side
Include .env file and docker file
Version 2.0 of the NetApp with the use of the Evolved5G SDK : LocationSubscriber and QosAwareness
This app gives a TCP communication between the Python NetApp, hosted on our local sever, and the Anita vApp (Windows desktop c++) connected to the same LAN. The vApp module is sending a request to the NetApp and display the dummy data that is replied.