This package is designed to provide some example code to help getting started using the Open Manipulator-X with ROS and Gazebo. All coding is done in Python.
Intel NUC, OpenCR development board and Open Manipulator-X with XM430-W350-t motors
- Intel Nuc is running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- Have installed all ROS packages as stated in Open Manipulator-X eManual
- OpenCR is running usb_to_dxl
- Dynamixel motors setup as per Open Manipulator-X eManual
If using OpenCR, USB port address may need to be changed in open_manipulator_controller.launch from USB0 to ACM0.
This code will call the /goal_joint_space_path service and use it to make the Open Manipulator-X perfrom 1 movement.
This code functions the same as, except it will perform multiple movements (3 instead of 1)
This code will call the /goal_tool_control service and use it to control the position of the gripper.
The following links will provide video of the Open Manipulator-X being used in both hardware and simulation using service calls and the open_manipulator_controller package.
roslaunch open_manipulator_controller open_manipulator_controller.launch use_platform:=false
roslaunch open_manipulastor_gazebo open_manipulator_gazebo.launch
rosrun om_service_call_examples
Additional Commands
roslaunch open_manipulator_control_gui open_manipulator_control_gui.launch
rosservice call /controller_manager/list_controllers [TAB]+[TAB]
roslaunch open_manipulator_controller open_manipulator_controller.launch
rosrun om_service_call_examples