Simple implementation for adding haptic sensors to openAI gym environments using mujoco
Adding touch sensors to an existing gym environment is very straightforward, an example can be seen in the sample environment in gymTouchTestEnv
. Attach the touch library, add which bodies/geoms should have sensors and at what resolution and then decide how you want to handle the output.
from gymTouch.touch import DiscreteTouch
class envWithTouch(envWithoutTouch):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Init the original environment, passing through the arguments
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.touch = DiscreteTouch(self) # Add touch to environment
# Add sensors to model. Resolution is the approximate distance between sensors. Actual distance may vary.
self.touch.add_body(name="name-of-body", resolution=.1)
self.touch.add_geom(name="name-of-geom", resolution=.1)
# Sensors are handled by DiscreteTouch.sensor_positions. You can add sensors to a geom yourself given the geoms id.
# Sensor positions are stored as a numpy array of shape (n_sensors, 3). Coordinates are in the frame of the associated geom.
self.touch.sensor_positions[geom_id] = np.array([[0., 0., 0.,],]) # Adding a sensor at the origin of the geom
# Depending on the environment you will have to fix the observation space. In this example we assume a Dictionary space and just add another entry
obs = self._get_obs()
self.observation_space = spaces.Dict(
-np.inf, np.inf, shape=obs["observation"].shape, dtype="float32"
-np.inf, np.inf, shape=obs["observation_haptic"].shape, dtype="float32"
# Return touch information by adding an extra entry to observation dictionary. This only works if the environment is using a Dictionary observation space!
def _get_obs(self):
obs = super()._get_obs()
# Add touch sensor output to observations
obs["observation_haptic"] = self.touch.get_touch_obs(DiscreteTouch.get_force_relative, 3, scale_linear)
except AttributeError:
return obs
The only requirement is that the environment be a mujoco environment with an attribute sim
, as that attribute is used to access the underlying mujoco simulation.
In the example above we return touch information as a force vector. Look into get_touch_obs
and the sample environment if you would like different types of touch information, such as the normal force only.
You can also plot the sensor points for a given geom using plot_points
from gymTouch.utils
There are three sample environments based on the openAI Manipulate gym environments. Sensors were added to the palm and all fingers with the finger tips using a higher resolution. The environments are TouchTestBlock-v0
, TouchTestEgg-v0
and TouchTestPen-v0
After installation the sample environments can be used like any other gym environment:
import gym
import gymTouchTestEnv
env = gym.make("TouchTestEgg-v0")
By default these show you the sensor points added to each geom during initialization and print touch information to console on render steps.
This repository provides two packages, the touch library 'gymTouch' and a sample environment 'gym_touchhand' based on the manipulateHand envs from openAI gym. To install the touch library
Install mujoco-py and the openAi robotics gym environments following their instructions
Clone this repository
Move into the repository
cd gymTouch
pip install -e .
To install the sample environment first install gymTouch, then
cd gymTouchTestEnv
pip install -e .