A example repository that demonstrates managing workloads and configuration for Kubernetes clusters using Flux for a GitOps CD platform.
The directory layout is split into the following main areas
Directory | |
base | Global manifests to apply to all clusters defined in branch e.g. PodSecurityPolicies |
clusters/cluster /namespace / |
Cluster specific manifests e.g. application or environment specific components |
src | Config used to generate manifests saved in base/ or clusters/ |
scripts | Helper scripts |
policies | Rego policies for conftest |
├── base # Everything under base/ deployed in all clusters
│ ├── namespace
│ │ └── kube-system
│ └── security # Global Security config e.g PSP
│ ├── psp-privileged.yaml
│ ├── psp-restricted.yaml
│ ├── rbac-clusterrolebinding.yaml
│ └── rbac-clusterroles.yaml
├── clusters # Cluster specific deployments
│ ├── gke-eu-1
│ │ ├── flux
│ │ ├── istio-operator
│ │ ├── istio-system
│ │ └── kube-system
│ │ └── k8s-node-termination-handler # Preemptive instance handler
│ └── kind
│ ├── default
│ ├── flux
│ ├── istio-operator
│ ├── istio-system
│ ├── kube-system
│ └── metallb-system # LoadBalancer implmentation required for kind clusters
├── policy # Rego policies
│ ├── lib
│ │ └── kubernetes.rego
│ ├── security.rego
│ └── security_test.rego
└── src # Config used in templating YAML manifiests
├── istio
└── kube-prometheus
terraform-kubernetes-flux-module provides a way to bootstrap your flux cluster with a minimal one shot deployment that will pull and then overwrite itself with the flux config stored in your gitops repo. This allows you to keep a separation of duty between using Terraform to manage your cluster infrastructure and Flux to apply cluster workloads.
kubectl apply -f clusters/<cluster>/flux
to deploy flux on your cluster, if your repository is private or you want to give flux write access then you will need to additionally grant access to the SSH key flux
will generate at first boot.
Enforcing policy can be done at multiple stages of the CI/CD pipeline from using static analysis tools running in CI to admission controllers that can block workloads at deploy time.
These tools can be configured to run as part of CI and made a requirement to pass in order to merge a PR to apply changes to a cluster.
❯ make
lint Run all lint checks
yamllint Run basic YAML linter
policies Pull latest example Rego policies for conftest
conftest Run conftest to check that manifests meet policy conformance
kubeval Run kubeval to check manifests meet Kubernetes OpenAPI spec
yamllint is a basic YAML linter that can catch syntax errors or issues such as duplicate keys.
❯ make yamllint
yamllint -c .yamllint.yaml base clusters
9:3 error duplication of key "profile" in mapping (key-duplicates)
5:3 error syntax error: expected <block end>, but found '<block mapping start>' (syntax)
kubeval is a tool that validates if manifests satisfy a specific version of the Kubernetes API spec, providing a quick and easy way to catch invalid or missing object properties.
❯ make kubeval
bin/kubeval-0.15.0 --ignore-missing-schemas --strict --exit-on-error -d base,clusters
WARN - Set to ignore missing schemas
PASS - base/namespace/kube-system/kube-dns-pdb.yaml contains a valid PodDisruptionBudget (kube-system.kube-dns)
PASS - base/security/psp-privileged.yaml contains a valid PodSecurityPolicy (privileged)
PASS - base/security/psp-restricted.yaml contains a valid PodSecurityPolicy (restricted)
PASS - base/security/rbac-clusterrolebinding.yaml contains a valid ClusterRoleBinding (privileged-psp-users)
PASS - base/security/rbac-clusterrolebinding.yaml contains a valid ClusterRoleBinding (restricted-psp-users)
PASS - base/security/rbac-clusterrolebinding.yaml contains a valid ClusterRoleBinding (edit)
PASS - base/security/rbac-clusterroles.yaml contains a valid ClusterRole (restricted-psp-user)
PASS - base/security/rbac-clusterroles.yaml contains a valid ClusterRole (privileged-psp-user)
ERR - clusters/kind/default/00-namespace.yaml: Missing 'kind' key
make: *** [Makefile:43: kubeval] Error 1
OPA conftest is a generic tool that can be used to write tests against a configuration. It uses the Rego language from OpenPolicyAgent and
has push
and pull
commands in order to easily share Rego policies. Policies can check for anything from running as unprivileged to ensuring a specific label such as app
or team
❯ make policies
conftest pull github.com/instrumenta/policies.git//kubernetes
❯ ls policy
lib/ security.rego security_test.rego
❯ head -16 policy/security.rego
package main
import data.lib.kubernetes
violation[msg] {
[image_name, "latest"] = kubernetes.split_image(container.image)
msg = kubernetes.format(sprintf("%s in the %s %s has an image, %s, using the latest tag", [container.name, kubernetes.kind, image_name, kubernetes.name]))
# https://kubesec.io/basics/containers-resources-limits-memory
violation[msg] {
not container.resources.limits.memory
msg = kubernetes.format(sprintf("%s in the %s %s does not have a memory limit set", [container.name, kubernetes.kind, kubernetes.name]))
❯ make conftest
bin/conftest-0.20.0 test base clusters
FAIL - clusters/kind/flux/flux-deployment.yaml - flux in the Deployment flux does not have a memory limit set
FAIL - clusters/kind/flux/flux-deployment.yaml - flux in the Deployment flux does not have a CPU limit set
FAIL - clusters/kind/flux/flux-deployment.yaml - flux in the Deployment flux doesn't drop all capabilities
FAIL - clusters/kind/flux/flux-deployment.yaml - flux in the Deployment flux is not using a read only root filesystem
FAIL - clusters/kind/flux/flux-deployment.yaml - flux in the Deployment flux allows priviledge escalation
FAIL - clusters/kind/flux/flux-deployment.yaml - flux in the Deployment flux is running as root
FAIL - clusters/kind/flux/helm-operator/helm-operator-deployment.yaml - flux-helm-operator in the Deployment flux-helm-operator does not have a memory limit set
FAIL - clusters/kind/flux/helm-operator/helm-operator-deployment.yaml - flux-helm-operator in the Deployment flux-helm-operator does not have a CPU limit set
FAIL - clusters/kind/flux/helm-operator/helm-operator-deployment.yaml - flux-helm-operator in the Deployment flux-helm-operator doesn't drop all capabilities
FAIL - clusters/kind/flux/helm-operator/helm-operator-deployment.yaml - flux-helm-operator in the Deployment flux-helm-operator is not using a read only root filesystem
FAIL - clusters/kind/flux/helm-operator/helm-operator-deployment.yaml - flux-helm-operator in the Deployment flux-helm-operator allows priviledge escalation
FAIL - clusters/kind/flux/helm-operator/helm-operator-deployment.yaml - flux-helm-operator in the Deployment flux-helm-operator is running as root
FAIL - clusters/kind/kube-system/metrics-server-v0.3.7.yaml - metrics-server in the Deployment metrics-server does not have a memory limit set
FAIL - clusters/kind/kube-system/metrics-server-v0.3.7.yaml - metrics-server in the Deployment metrics-server does not have a CPU limit set
FAIL - clusters/kind/kube-system/metrics-server-v0.3.7.yaml - metrics-server in the Deployment metrics-server doesn't drop all capabilities
FAIL - clusters/kind/kube-system/metrics-server-v0.3.7.yaml - metrics-server in the Deployment metrics-server has a UID of less than 10000
FAIL - clusters/kind/default/httpbin.yaml - httpbin in the Deployment docker.io/kennethreitz/httpbin has an image, httpbin, using the latest tag
Admission controllers provide a way to validate or mutate requests on objects, mutating can modify objects such as injecting a sidecar container to a Pod
. Due to the dynamic nature of mutating webhooks validating controllers provide a last layer of defence to ensure workloads are still compliant with policy because unlike static tooling it is aware of the final representation of a object after any mutations.
Kubernetes provides several built in admission controllers such as PodSecurityPolicy
or ResourceQuota
and allows custom controllers for further control such as using Gatekeeper.
PodSecurityPolicy enabled clusters allow you to control security aspects of Pods such as running as non root or restricting access to hostNetwork
. By defining a restricted PSP and applying to all authenticated service accounts you can ensure workloads by default must satisfy your restrictied policy unless they opt in to using their own custom or higher privileged PSP.
Example: Restricted PSP
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: restricted-psp-users
# All users
- kind: Group
apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
name: system:authenticated
apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
kind: ClusterRole
name: restricted-psp-user
# restricted-psp-user grants access to use the restricted PSP.
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRole
name: restricted-psp-user
- apiGroups:
- policy
- podsecuritypolicies
- restricted
- use
apiVersion: policy/v1beta1
kind: PodSecurityPolicy
name: restricted
seccomp.security.alpha.kubernetes.io/allowedProfileNames: 'docker/default'
apparmor.security.beta.kubernetes.io/allowedProfileNames: 'runtime/default'
seccomp.security.alpha.kubernetes.io/defaultProfileName: 'docker/default'
apparmor.security.beta.kubernetes.io/defaultProfileName: 'runtime/default'
privileged: false
# Required to prevent escalations to root.
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
# This is redundant with non-root + disallow privilege escalation,
# but we can provide it for defense in depth.
# Allow core volume types.
- 'configMap'
- 'emptyDir'
- 'projected'
- 'secret'
- 'downwardAPI'
# Assume that persistentVolumes set up by the cluster admin are safe to use.
- 'persistentVolumeClaim'
hostNetwork: false
hostIPC: false
hostPID: false
# Require the container to run without root privileges.
rule: 'MustRunAsNonRoot'
# This policy assumes the nodes are using AppArmor rather than SELinux.
rule: 'RunAsAny'
rule: 'MustRunAs'
# Forbid adding the root group.
- min: 1
max: 65535
rule: 'MustRunAs'
# Forbid adding the root group.
- min: 1
max: 65535
readOnlyRootFilesystem: false
Gatekeeper is a admission controller for Kubernetes that can be deployed in a cluster and act as a validating webhook, every time a object is modified such as updating a Ingress
or when a Pod
is created, it can execute your Rego policy stored as ConstraintTemplate
and reject the request if it fails to meet your policy.
fluxcloud can be used as a sidecar or deployment to post sync notifications to your favourite chat service.
Sidecar Config: Slack Example
- name: flux
image: docker.io/fluxcd/flux:1.20.1
- --connect=ws://
- name: fluxcloud
image: devan2502/fluxcloud:v0.3.9-1
imagePullPolicy: Always
- containerPort: 3032
- name: SLACK_URL
value: "https://hooks.slack.com/services/...."
value: "#flux"
value: ":duck:"
value: Foo Cluster
- name: GITHUB_URL
value: "https://github.com/Dev25/k8s-gitops-demo"
value: ":3032"
value: |
Flux Event: {{ .EventType }}
value: |
{{ if and (ne .EventType "commit") (gt (len .Commits) 0) }}{{ range .Commits }}
* {{ call $.FormatLink (print $.VCSLink "/commit/" .Revision) (truncate .Revision 7) }} ```{{ .Message }}```
{{ if and (eq .EventType "sync") (gt (len .EventServiceIDs) 0) }}```Resources {{ range .EventServiceIDs }}
* {{ . }}{{ end }}```{{ end }}
{{ if gt (len .Errors) 0 }}Errors:
```{{ range .Errors }}
Resource {{ .ID }}, file: {{ .Path }}:
> {{ .Error }}
{{ end }}```{{ end }}
By default flux
will automatically pull and sync changes on a regular interval as well as poll for new images for automated deployments. In order to speed up time to detect a new commit or image built you can expose your flux deployment using flux-recv and set webhooks on your git provider or container registry, see flux-recv for further instructions to setup.
push events (and ping events)DockerHub
image push eventsQuay
image push eventsGitLab
push eventsBitbucket
push eventsGoogleContainerRegistry
image push events via pubsubNexus
image push events
Sidecar Config
# ...
# GitHub Sync Webhook
- name: recv
image: fluxcd/flux-recv:0.5.0
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- --config=/etc/fluxrecv/fluxrecv.yaml
- containerPort: 8080
path: /health
port: 8080
- name: fluxrecv-config
mountPath: /etc/fluxrecv
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: fluxrecv-conf
namespace: flux
type: Opaque
fluxrecv.yaml: |-
fluxRecvVersion: 1
- keyPath: github.key
source: GitHub
# Generated from `ruby -rsecurerandom -e 'print SecureRandom.hex(20)'`
github.key: 92b8c5df36099ccf0378723bda5e0661a0753178
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: flux
namespace: flux
app: flux
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: external
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/client-body-buffer-size: 1m
- host: your.domain.io
- backend:
serviceName: flux
servicePort: 8080
- hosts:
- your.domain.io
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: flux
namespace: flux
name: flux
type: ClusterIP
- name: http-metrics
port: 3031
targetPort: 3031
- name: http-recv
port: 8080
targetPort: 8080
name: flux
Secrets should either be stored encrypted in the repo or in a secret manager such as Hashicorp Vault or GCP/AWS Secrets Manager and injected at runtime.
sealed-secrets provides a way to encrypt your secrets using a public key that can be stored in git and then decrypted on the clusters automatically using a private key.
To consume secrets from GCP Secrets Manager you can either read directly when your application starts or sync to Kubernetes Secrets and consume them as normal.
Berglas is a CLI tool and go library that can store and retrieve secrets stored in GCP, it automates the process of injecting secrets to Kubernetes Pods at container startup.
Add beglas CLI to docker image
FROM runatlantis/atlantis:v0.14.0
# Build image as normal
# Install berglas CLI
COPY --from=europe-docker.pkg.dev/berglas/berglas/berglas:0.5.3 /bin/berglas /bin/berglas
# berglas runs first and then executes your application after injecting secrets
ENTRYPOINT exec /bin/berglas exec -- /usr/local/bin/atlantis server
Example of injecting secrets as environmental variables
# WEBHOOK_SECRET becomes secret value
value: sm://your-gcp-project-id/webhook-secret
# KEY_FILE becomes /tmp/github.key and the secret value is written to that file path.
- name: KEY_FILE
value: sm://your-gcp-project-id/webhook-keyfile?destination=/tmp/github.key
See gsm-controller or external-secrets.