Challenge website and results :
My NIPS 2019 Presentation Animal AI Presentation.pdf
I used this exact code, and only made slight changes before sharing. I added linux enviroment binaries by default. I tested everything on Linux only. You might have some problems to run training on other platforms.
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run to download my networks.
- There are with all parameters which I used during training process. Please change BASE_DIR = '/home/trrrrr/Documents/github/ml/rl_animal' in to your folder before run anything.
We were allowed to submit two networks and currently I don't know which one has won.
You can find different game configurations in You can find networks in You can use Player.ipynb to run my agents To run my validation please use Validation.ipynb To run train please use test_a2c.ipynb
There is chance that you will not be able to run my code with current parameters. Please try to reduce batch size and number of enviroments in this case.