David Silver's website: https://www.davidsilver.uk/teaching/
Textbook is Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction by Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto. PDF here.
- Annotated slide by me, My note
- RL diff form other ML
- No supervisor, only a reward signal
- Feedback is delayed, not instantaneous
- Time reall y matters ( sequential, non i.i.d data)
- Agent’s actions affect the subsequent data it receives
- Major Components of an RL Agent
- Policy: is the agent’s behaviour. It is a map from state to action.
- Value function: is a prediction of future reward. Used to evaluate the goodness / badness of states.
- Model: A model predicts what the environment will do next
- Categorizing RL agents
- Value Based vs Policy Based vs Actor Critic
- Model free vs Model based
- Problems in RL
- Learning and Planning
- Learning:
- environment is initially unknown
- agent interacts with the environment
- agent improves its policy
- Planning:
- environment is known
- agent performs computations with its model ( without any external interaction )
- agent improves its policy
- Learning:
- Exploration and Exploitation
- Reinforcement learning is like trial-and-error learning. The agent should discover a good policy. From its experiences of the environment.
- Prediction and Control
- Prediction: evaluate the future
- Given a policy
- Control: optimise the future
- Find the best policy
- Prediction: evaluate the future
- Learning and Planning
- Annotated slide by me, My note
- Markov Process
- Markov Chain <S, P>
- S is a set of states
- P is state transition probability matrix
- P_ss' = P[ S_t+1 = s' | S_t = s ]
- Markov Chain <S, P>
- Markov Reward Process MRP
- is Markov Chain with values
- <S, P, R, gamma>
- R is a reward function, R_s = E[ R_(t+1) | S_t = s ]. R_s means, for time t and state s, how much reward we can get in t+1, i.e. R_(t+1).
- gamma is a discount factor. gamma \in [0, 1]
- Value function
- Value function v(s) gives the long term value of state s
- The state value function v(s) of an MRP is the expected return starting from state s
- v(s) = E[ G_t | S_t = s ]
- Solving the Bellman Equation - linear equation
- Small DRP: solve directly, O(n^3)
- Large DRP:
- Dynamic programming
- Monte-Carlo evaluation
- Temporal-Difference learning
- Markov Decision Processes MDP
- is a Markov Reward Process with decisions
- <S, A, P, R, gamma>
- A is a finite set of actions
- P^a_ss' = P[ S_t+1 = s' | S_t = s, A_t = a ]
- R is a reward function, R^a_s = E[ R_(t+1) | S_t = s, A_t = a ]. R_s means, for time t and state s, how much reward we can get in t+1, i.e. R_(t+1).
- Value Function
- State-value function: tell us how good to be a specific state s
- v_pi(s) = E_pi[ G_t | S_t = s ]
- Action-value funtion: tell us how good to take a specific action from a specific state
- q_pi(s, a) = E_pi[ G_t | S_t = s, A_t = a ]
- State-value function: tell us how good to be a specific state s
- Optimal Value Function
- Solve q_*(s, a)
- Finding an optimal policy
- Bellman Optimality Equation
- Non-linear, no closed solution
- iterative solution:
- Value iteration
- Policy iteration
- Q-learning
- Sarsa
Problem | Bellman Equation | Algorithm | Note |
Prediction | Bellman Expectation Equation | Iterative Policy Evalucatin | |
Control | Bellman Expectation Equation + Greedy Policy Improvement | Policy Iteration | This policy iteration always converges to pi_* |
Control | Bellman Optimality Equation | Value Iteration | Converge to v_*. There is no explicit policy. Intermediate value functions may not correspond to any policy. |
- Lecture 3 Model-based:
- Planning by Dynamic Programming (DP). Solve a known MDP.
- Policy Evaluation
- Policy Iteration
- Value Iteration
- Planning by Dynamic Programming (DP). Solve a known MDP.
- Lecture 4-7 Model-free
- Lecture 4 Prediction:
- Esimate the value fucntion of an unknown MDP.
- Monte-Carlo Policy Evaluation
- Temporal-Difference Learning
- TD(lambda)
- Esimate the value fucntion of an unknown MDP.
- Lecture 5 Model-free Control:
- Optimize the value function of an unknown MDP.
- On-Policy Monte-Carlo Control
- On-Policy TD Learning
- Sarsa
- Off-Policy Learning
- Q-Learning
- Optimize the value function of an unknown MDP.
- Sacle up to real practical problems: Use function approximation.
- Lecture 6: Function approximation for value based algorithms
- Incremental Methods
- Batch Methods
- Lecture 7: Function approximation for policy based algorithms
- Finite-Difference Policy Gradient
- Monte-Carlo Policy Gradient
- Actor-Critic Policy Gradient
- Lecture 6: Function approximation for value based algorithms
- Lecture 4 Prediction:
Planning By DP | Model-free Prediction | Model-free Control |
Solve a known MDP | Estimate the value fucntion of an Unknown MDP | Solve an unknown MDP |
- Monte Carlo Policy Evaluation
- Use empirical mean return, Use complete episode
- First-visit VS Every-visit Monte-Carlo policy Evaluation
- Incremental Monte-Carlo updates
- Equation: V(S_t) <- V(S_t) + alpha * ( G_t - V(S_t) )
- Use empirical mean return, Use complete episode
- Temporal Difference TD(0)
- Use esitmated return of next state, Use partial episode
- Equation: V(S_t) <- V(S_t) + alpha * ( R_{t+1}+gamma*V(S_{t+1}) - V(S_t) )
- Use esitmated return of next state, Use partial episode
- TD(lambda)
- Instead of only consider one step ahead, we can consider n steps ahead. When n = infinite, TD(lambda) = MC.
- TD(lambda) weighting equation
- Forward View: Using weight (1 − λ)*λ^{n−1}. Sum = 1.
- Backward View: Using eligibility trace.
On policy
- Learn about policy pi and sample from policy pi
Off policy
- Learn about traget policy pi and sample from behavior policy mu
Generalized Policy Iteraton w/ MC using State-Value func V | using Action-Value func Q (MC Policy Iteration) | MC Control | TD Control (Sarsa) | Importance Sampling (MC, TD) | Q-learning | |
Policy Evaluation | MC policy evaluation, V = v_pi | MC policy evaluation, Q = q_pi | MC policy evaluation, Q = q_pi | Sarsa (TD Target), Q |
V. MC: importance sampling corrections along whole episode; TD: one step importance sampling correction. | Q-Learning Target. |
Policy Improvement | Greedy | epsilon-Greedy | epsilon-Greedy | epsilon-Greedy | Target policy: maybe Greedy; Behavior policy: maybe Greedy. | Target policy: Greedy; Behavior policy: epsilon-Greedy |
Model based/free? | Need model | Model free | Model free | Model free | Model free | Model free |
On-Off-Policy? | On policy | On policy | On policy | On policy | Off policy | Off policy |
Update frequence | After over all episodes | After over all episodes | Every episode | Every time-step | Every episode (MC, TD); Every time-step (TD). | Every time-step |
On-Off-Line? | Offline | Offline | Offline | Online | Offline (MC);Online (TD) | Online |
Complete Sequence? | Complete episode | Complete episode | Complete episode | Incomplete episode. Bootstrapping | MC/TD | Incomplete episode. Bootstrapping |