AoE2.net is dead
A C# Wrapper for the AoE2.NET API
//create new Client
var aoe2NetClient = new AoE2NetClient("MyCoolApp");
//get AoE2Net API strings
var strings = await aoe2NetClient.GetStringsAsync();
//get leaderboard for 1v1
var leaderboard = await aoe2NetClient.GetLeaderboardAsync(LeaderboardType.RandomMap1v1, 0, 100);
//get rating history for 1v1
var ratinghistory = await aoe2NetClient.GetRatingHistoryAsync(LeaderboardType.RandomMap1v1, 0, 20, profileId: 123456);
//get match history
var matchHistory = await aoe2NetClient.GetPlayerMatchHistoryAsync(100, profileId: 123456);
//get match history for multiple players
var playerList = new List<string>();
var matchesHistory = await aoe2NetClient.GetPlayersMatchHistoryAsync(100, profileIds: playerList);
//get ongoing matches
var ongoingMatches = await aoe2NetClient.GetOngoingMatchesAsync();
- Support for other AoE titles?
Special thanks to the aoe2.net creators and maintainers.