Hi there!
I'm @DaveGold35, and I'm a developer who focuses on Machine Learning Applications. I've began my journey as an undergraduate learning how to model cognitive systems usying python, and continued it as i worked on my MS in Artificial Intelligence. I wrote my disseration on the application of computer vision to monitor shelter animal behavior, and have been exploring the broad range of ML/AI models and applications ever since.
To broaden my horizons, I have been familiarizing myself with architectur of web applications, physical infrastructure, and full stack development.
In the near future, projects featuring different models including LLMs, CVMs, and large data prediction algorithms will be added with commentaries and design files to help understand the general thoughts, motivations, and design principles while I further explore this world of Artificial Intelligence.
My current skillset and toolset includes: Languages: • Python • Java • HTML • SQL
Tools: • Numpy • Pandas • MatPlotLib • Pytorch • OpenCV others