This is a project for the Datavisualisatie course at UGent. We visualised the data of multiple bicycle counting places around Flanders.
We used the data from Agenschap Wegen en Verkeer. The raw data can be found here.
This project is made with Observable Framework project. To start your developing environment, run:
on windows:
node docs/data/allFilteredData.js
npm run dev:mem:windows
on linux:
node docs/data/allFilteredData.js
npm run dev:mem:linux
Then visit http://localhost:3000 to preview the data visualisations.
To build our visualisations as a static website, run the following commands. on windows:
node docs/data/allFilteredData.js
npm run build:mem:windows
on linux:
node docs/data/allFilteredData.js
npm run build:mem:linux
The static website can be found in the .dist/